Chapter 18: Infiltrating Canterlot Castle

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"Okay, Ragammia. I've been preparing new armor for you. This armor is actually based off of Princess Celestia's method of defeating us: defend and counter attack. This armor is the Shield Armor." Said Athena, as Ragammia was sent with a new armor program. His helmet then became gray and spikier, his chest was covered with a few gray, crystal-like spheres, his buster had a shield on it except for the shooting area, and his legs and feet had spikes on the bottom and were gray like the rest of his armor.
"Now, this Armor will only fire a single charge shot in four seconds. But if your shield receives damage, you will be able to fire more charge shots depending on how much damage you receive. However, if your shield breaks from too much damage, it will take a minute to repair. Also note that you won't be able to use your saber with this armor."
"I understand. Where's Gaia?" Said Ragammia.
"I don't know...she left to spy on Celestia after you went to stomp Merva." Said Athena.
"Velga, Vuro, and Corona don't have the same armor, but they will be coming with you to put an end to this skirmish."
"We're ready, Athena." Said Velga.
"Let's Stop this fighting!" Said Vuro.
"I'm with you, Ragammia." Said Corona.
"Alright. One more thing: Your Armor is variable with your different armor forms, such as the dragon and pony Armors." Said Athena.
"Got it. We all remember the plan. Let's go, Maverick Investigators!" Said Ragammia, as the four entered the portal. They arrived on top of a house in Canterlot afterwards.
"You remember the plan. Velga, Vuro, you do as you please. I'll keep the defense system busy while Ragammia gets inside." Said Corona.
"Got it." Said Velga, dashing away with Vuro.
"Okay. Let's go, Ragammia." Said Corona, as they headed towards the castle.

"Attack on Canterlot Castle?! The Young Six have been kidnapped?! This has gotten out of hand!" Said Twilight.
"The world leaders are very edgy about this, Twi." Said Rainbow Dash.
"I...I'm scared..." Said Fluttershy.
"How treacherous!" Said Rarity.
"And I thought Vuro was nice..."
"Let's get ready to rumblllllleeee!" Shouted Pinkie into a microphone she pulled out of nowhere.
"I don't like this one bit." Said Applejack.
"What do we do, Twilight?" Said Spike.
"We have to stop them. We can't let them harm Celestia." Said Twilight.
"I'll teleport us there."
"Wait, why are there dark purple clouds in the sky?" Said Rainbow. The seven looked out of the Golden Oak Library and found that the sky was covered in purple clouds as she had said.
"That must be Celestia putting magic in the clouds." Said Twilight. Suddenly, Velga and Vuro broke through the window and only Twilight and her friends noticed because no one else was inside.
"Hold it! We don't want trouble!" Said Vuro, as Twilight armed herself.
"We only want to share some information with you." Said Velga.
"How do we know we can trust you?" Said Spike.
"We just want you to know that we think someone else is behind this." Said Vuro. Twilight's horn dimmed.
"Okay...we'll hear you out." She Said.
"You sure about this, Twilight?" Said Applejack.
"Yes, I think we should at least listen to them." She Responded.
"That's not all we know." Said Velga.
"When was the last time Celestia was this angry?"

Ragammia and Corona neared the castle and found a bunch of Gunner Blasters and Bomb Babies laid out in front of the entrance.
"I'll distract them. Get to the upper window and get inside from there." Said Corona, dashing toward the enemies and blasting them with his buster before they focused on him.
"Velga! Vuro! Do you have pegasus DNA?" Said Ragammia.
"Any DNA?" Said Velga.
"Yes! Any!" Said Ragammia.
" it okay if I just lay my hand right here?" Said Velga, putting his hand on Rainbow Dash's barrel. She made no response and the others stared at him weirdly while Vuro facepalmed.
"Thanks Velga." Said Ragammia, using Rainbow Dash's DNA and flying up to the window. He then changed back to normal as the defense systems not killed by Corona found him. He then sliced open the window with his saber and changed into his shield armor once he got inside.
"I'm coming for you, Princess." Said Ragammia, going to the next room. But he was suddenly met with many Winger Stingers, Shuri Kens, Spin Cyclers, and Mosquitrons.
"She really overdid the enemy placement..." Said Ragammia, as the enemies began attacking him. But he was able to use his shield to defend against their many attacks and blasted them over and over again with charge shots to easily clear them out.
"Corona, what's your status?" Said Ragammia.
"There are so many enemies here, Ragammia. Celestia must really want us dead." Said Corona.
"But I can hold up."
"I'll also be fine." Said Ragammia, continuing to blast the enemies. But just when he was almost done, his shield broke and he was forced to switch into his normal form while waiting for the recovery, even though his Shield Armor provided more defense. He then finished off the other enemies and continued on to the ballroom where more enemies had been placed, this time Tunnel Diggers, Fang Fangs, Ooze Demons, Cog Crushers, Kurogippas, and Clockstoppers.
"So...many...enemies..." He Said.
"But seriously, what rookie puts a bunch of enemies in the same room knowing that I have a Giga Attack?" He then used the Kyohoryu and blew up all of the enemies with ease, destroying the table in the middle of the ballroom as well.
"There should be two more waves of enemies." Said Athena.
"The rest are spread out."
"Okay, thanks Athena." Said Ragammia, heading into the next room. This room was filled with Jankudoroppas, Bit Bombers, Tori Shooters, Pogo Pounders, Jack Pounders, and Melter Smelters.
"I would expect a diplomatic Princess like Celestia to know good enemy placement." Said Ragammia, changing into his Shield Armor. He then began countering the shots of the enemies and blasting them back with charge shots. After a minute of fighting, Ragammia had cleared out all the enemies.
"I lost some more health there..." He Said, moving on to the next room.
"Hold it!" He Said once he entered. Princess Celestia's pony guards were leading a bunch of mechaniloids, mainly Metron MK-2's, Crush Pressers above, and Enertrons in Driller and Burst Ride Armors, the armors Ragammia had encountered on his last adventure. Among all the guards, he spotted Shining Armor leading them.
"You're Vuro's brother, aren't you?" He Said.
"Stand back. I don't want any of you getting hurt." Said Ragammia.
"We aren't that stupid! Guards, forces, charge him!" He Shouted, as the Ride Armors began charging at him, the Crush Pressers began trying to crush Ragammia, and the Metron MK-2's began firing while the royal guards waited for Ragammia to stand still, as he was dashing away from the Crush Pressers.
"Over here!" He Said, before the armored enemies tried charging at him. But he somersaulted underneath them as some of the Crush Pressers accidentally smashed some of their own forces. Ragammia then blew up the Crush Pressers with the Metal Piercer and jumped into a damaged Burst Armor that was still barely functioning and stomped the Metron MK-2's with them before ejecting out of it and blowing it up with his buster, leaving the pony guards.
"Don't give up!" Said Shining Armor, as Ragammia changed into his normal armor but as the unicorn guards fired at him, he simply deflected the shots with the Chimeishou and knocked them back at their users while he simply slashed the spears of the earth pony and pegasus guards to pieces. Any guard that tried to damage him without any weapons was kicked back by his foot as he approached Shining Armor, who had a shield spell up.
"You can't pierce this shield so easily!" Said Shining Armor.
"Not easily. But I can do it." Said Ragammia changing into his hippogriff Armor.
" did you..." But Shining Armor's astonishment was quickly turned into fear as Ragammia stored a charge shot in his claw and slashed through the shield with great strength before body slamming Shining Armor into the wall.
"That is a strong spell." Said Ragammia, as Shining Armor got up.
"I don't intend to hurt any of you. Why don't you see?" Said Ragammia.
"I don't have time to deal with you right now." He then ran out of the room before advancing to the next room that would lead to the throne room.
"No...we have to protect the Princesses!" Said Shining Armor.
"Sir...with all due respect, we don't stand a chance. The Princesses are stronger, so they'll be able to handle Ragammia." Said Spearhead, a guard friend of Shining Armor. Instead of being reprimanded, Shining Armor sighed.
"You're right, Spearhead...we'd better go and protect the guards near the entrance." He Said.
"Let's move." The guard then ran down to the entrance, But when they got there, a terrible sight befell them.
"The guards..." Said Shining, eying his immobile forces.

Ragammia soon arrived in the throne room and encountered a single figure waiting for him on her throne: Princess Luna. Princess Celestia's throne was empty.
" come in and destroy all of our forces after taking out our Enertron guards! Is that what you want?!" Said Luna.
"You can't understand what we want now: peace. Princess Celestia has more authority than you, so you're not my mission." Said Ragammia.
"Do you plan to kill Celestia?!" Said Luna.
"No. But I don't want to fight you." Said Ragammia.
"That's a shame. You can't just hope that things will be better, Ragammia! Prepare yourself!" Said Luna.
"I should've expected this..." Said Ragammia, changing into his Shield Armor. Luna immediately shot a spiraling, blue blast of smoke from her horn that rushed toward Ragammia, who attempted to block it with his shield. His shield suffered a lot of damage, but he got a ton of charge shots. He then began retaliation with the charge shots, but Luna blocked it with a shield and darkened the entire area with another spell.
"Ragammia! Use a weapon that goes against Luna's techniques!" Said Athena.
"Okay..." Said Ragammia, equipping the Sting Laser.
"I won't allow you to hurt my sister!" Said Luna. But Ragammia sensed her through the smoke and shot her down with the Sting Laser.
"AAAAH!" She fell down as smoke rose from a damaged part on her body.
"You'll pay for that!" She then blasted a blue laser that was aimed toward Ragammia, but he dashed away from it as it began tearing through the structure of the area.
"She's durable..." Said Ragammia, as Luna set up a shield around herself and began firing more spiraling blasts. As he somersaulted away from them, he was hit by another and collapsed to the ground.
"I thought Enertrons were immune to magic...oh well...I'll dispose of you immediately!" She fired another shot, but Ragammia dodged and shot the Sting Laser at her shield, which collapsed in an instant as she was hurt again.
"Stop that!" She Yelled, shooting more spiral blasts at him. But this time, Ragammia held up his shield to block them and was able to do so. The only con of this was that his shield broke.
"I have the charge shots, but I'll need a bit of time..." He said to himself.
"Now's my chance!" Said Luna, another Shield surrounding her as she blasted a wider laser beam toward Ragammia. But Ragammia was able to act quickly and blasted a charge shot at it.
"I'm not defeated so easily!" He said, firing more and more charge shots, pushing back her laser beam and piercing her shield as Luna was sent into the air. Ragammia then changed out of his armor and jumped off the walls until he was at Luna's height.
"You're finished!" He Said, slashing her downwards with his charged saber and slamming her into the floor, damaging the entire room. It was barely standing with cracks when the dust settled.
"You gave me a good fight, Princess. But as I said before, you're not my priority. Do you know a healing spell?" Said Ragammia, standing over Luna, Who was badly hurt.
"Yes..." She Said.
"Good. Then you'll be fine." Said Ragammia, running away from her as he exited the throne room. As Luna healed herself, she checked the condition of the room and found that her throne and Celestia's had been damaged.
"Why...why does he care about me?" She Said. She teleported away to warm her sister.

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