Let's call it MechX-4 part 4

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 [Dakotas POV]

"What's up with you? My sister asked me the next day as I sat down across from her for breakfast. "You just seem, you know looser, less anxious."

"I don't know for sure" I lied. "But hey that's a good thing isn't it?"

"It's a great thing." she replied. "Remember when to text me Okay I've got a job interview this morning. See you tonight." She said quickly heading out the front door. I thought about what she said. Nothing about me changed to much other than the fact I was happier, I had somebody that understands my powers, and hopefully we'll be able to help each other figure this whole thing out. What ever it is.


After I got through school that day, I met Ryan at the end of this dirt drive way in basically the middle of nowhere. The driveway that led to the ship hiding MechX-4


"This robot is incredible!" I said hopping off the ladder that led to the loft.

"I know. My chair has a recliner too! Well I guess that doesn't matter considering you don't have a chair." Spyder said, spinning around in his chair.

"Yeah, why is that? Why does the most important person here not get a chair?" Mark said from the loft.

"Let me guess, you were talking about you not me right or Ryan right?" I said sarcastically.

"Why would I be talking about you?" He answered back with a smirk on his face.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because we're the ones that can actually control the robot?" I snapped back

"Okay and?" He said turning back to what he was working on.

"Dude seriously, do you know who you're talking to?" Ryan said coming out of the hatch on the floor. "She's a legend." He gestured towards me. I cockily smiled at him as he says,

"I'm a legend, I've won 5 district titles! Played Varsity since I was a freshman!" He says confidently.

"Really your five district titles have absolutely nothing on my Olympic silver medal. Oh and my 200,000+ dollars in cash prizes I've won the last year. Oh and I started competing as a pro before I was even a teenager. I could go on you know!" He rolled his eyes as a smiled at him with yet another cocky look on my face. "But seriously, I need a chair."

"Harris will work on that," Ryan said strapping into the harness.

"Harris will do what?" Harris said looking up from his tablet.

"I need a chair." I said sitting on the steps behind Ryan.

"Sorry but this video takes first priority." He said tuning me out.

"What video?" I asked.

"When we found this thing there was this video of the guy who made the robot warning us about the monsters and saying that he made this robot for a techno path but the video glitched out before he could finish. Harris wants to know what he said." Ryan explained.

"Is he alive?" I asked.

"No idea, wish I knew. There's so many questions I'd ask you know?" Ryan said.

"Me too." I said with a small smile.

"Well that's why I'm studying this video. Maybe something in the video will tell us what's so important, or where this guy even is." Harris explained.

"Well in that case keep on doing what you're doing." I said.

"As great as that is, we can't do anything like that if the people are scared of us." Ryan said, leaning on the harness.

Regret - Ryan Walker (Slow burn) - Mech-X4 fan fiction : Season 1 (EDITED✅)Where stories live. Discover now