Let's End This- Part 4

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(Dakotas POV)

"What's going on?" Spyder asked when Ryan and Mark met us in the control center.

"Where's your mom?" Harris asked.

"I don't know, try and track her." Ryan said. Harris turned to his computer and stated looking. As everyone crowded around I looked up to see Harpers new monster stomping towards us.

"Hey guys," I said pointing out the window.

"He was just waiting for her?" Ryan questioned. It was weird to see Grace willingly walk into the mouth of this monster, probably not as weird for me as it was for Mark and Ryan. "What's happening! What's wrong with her?" Ryan said stepping to the control pad. Harpers ugly face once again appeared on our screens,

"What did you do?" Mark demanded.

"Guys, I design monsters, big ones like this monster I'm in, and little ones, like the one I placed in your moms brain. And that one," Harper paused, "That one is making some powerful suggestions.

"Ryan! Mark!" Leo screamed bursting into the room. "You'll never guess what I found! I ran some scans on Grace and I saw that-" he paused at the sight of Harper with Grace behind him. "Everything's already gone south hasn't it?"

"Bingo." I said falling over the arm of my chair.

"Hey, Leo!" Harper cheered. "Glad to see you could join the party."

"And you're finally the monster you've always been." Leo sighed.

"I'm warning you, let her go!" Ryan demanded.

"Hey you know what? I just realized, with Grace out of the robot, I don't have to pull my punches." Harper said as a sinister smile spread across his face. The monsters hand grasped around the skull of the robot as I screamed.

"Everybody hold on!" Leo grasped the back of my chair as I held on to the arms just before Harper landed a jab to the stomach of the robot. Leo stubbles back to the wall behind as and we all just cling to the thing nearest to us. Harpers monster continued to rain down punches left and right.

"Critical hit! Get us out of here!" Harris yelled to Ryan as he was looking at his computers. Ryan was all out of sorts and couldn't focus on anything, as I looked to Leo in panic he called out,

"Emergency Evac! Tango! Copper! Muttonchop!" He then smacked a big red button on the wall and the robot blasted up and away from Harpers monster, barely avoiding a punch. We were all looking around at each other in relief as the robot eventually came to a stop. Harris and Spyder rushed down to the control pad and helped Ryan to his feet.

"Are you okay?" Spyder asked.

"I'll live." Ryan said clearly in pain. "How's the robot?"

"It's gonna take some time to get it up and running." Harris said looking around at all the damage.

"Mom doesn't have time!" Mark added coming down from the loft.

"So we make some. We have to slow that monster down before it gets back to Harper Futuristics and launches that missile." Ryan said.

"This monsters different." Harris pointed out. 

"Harris is right." Leo said stepping over a piece of ruble from the robot. "Harper is the brain of that monster. If we distract him, if we hurt him, and I really, really, really, really, really wanna hurt him." 

"I second that." I said raising my hand,

"We slow the monster down. Give you time to get your mom back." Leo continued.

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