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I read Lykaon's letter and smiled. I was surrounded by children playing in the park while I set out a picnic for them. Their mothers were taking an hour or two for themselves and their husbands, so I wanted to look after the pups. My mood was already glorious enough seeing smiling faces greeting me and playing in the distance, but it grew into an all-time high after I read my mate's words to me.

My father put the task of getting my things packed to Rona and my mother. I told them I'd come by later to help, but they waved me off and told me to have fun. I mentally rolled my eyes, but listened to them anyways. I was having fun. The children were having fun. The day was beautiful and sunny, so everything was perfect.

Tiny feet ran up to me and I looked up to see Ertha with wide brown eyes. Her red hair was in a messy braid that was slung over her shoulder, spotted with leaves and grass. "Luna, Tryn went into the forest."

My brows shot up in surprise and worry. "Why?"

Ertha shook her head vigorously. "I don't know. I saw him go in there and tried to stop him, but by the time I reached the forest, he was too far inside."

Standing, I looked around. "Where did you see him go?" She pointed towards the left end of the park. I saw a woman walking nearby and took Ertha over. The woman looked at me with concern and I said, "Can you watch the children. I need to go check something important."

She nodded and led Ertha away as I ran into the forest. My eyes darted around for Tryn, but only found trees and earth. My wolf came to my aid. Forty-five degrees to the right. I smell his fear. I did as she said and ran.

It wasn't long before I saw the boy walking with his arms around himself and his eyes looking around. "Momma?"

Pausing to watch, I narrowed my eyes in confusion. Why would his mother be in here?

She's not! My wolf growled. If you don't get him out of here now, he's going to be dead!

My legs moved without hesitation and I ran over and picked him up. He furrowed his brows. "Luna, why are you here?"

"I came to take you back to the other pups. It's not safe to in the forest alone when you're a child," I explain softly.

"But I want my momma," he whimpered.

I started running back, darting around trees and clutching Tryn close to my chest. "I will help you find her, but we need to be within the pack's sight, or else we will get hurt."

Tryn wrapped his skinny arms around my neck and laid his head on my shoulder. We need to shift. It'll be faster that way.

I can't!

We must!

My arms instinctively tightened and my feet got faster. We'll waste time shifting. Besides, we can't carry him on our back.

He can shift as well. We'll carry him by the scruff. Just do as I say!

I came to a halt and set Tryn on his feet and knelt. "I need you to turn into your wolf for me. I'm going to shift as well and carry you that way. It'll be faster."

He nods and begins the process. Not caring right now about my clothes, I shift beside him, my wolf shaking out her fur. The pup before us is white with black paws and tail, his amber eyes large and terrified. I pick him up and begin to run again.

Since my wolf has better hearing than I will ever have, she picks up the sounds of growling and pounding paws on the dirt behind us. Tryn whines softly, also smelling the danger lurking near. And somehow, the memory flashes before my eyes like a punch to the gut.

Sounds  and Vibrations (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now