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The next day was more relaxing than most. Opaline got to spend some more time with her brother as well as other time with the rest of the pack. Klyn and I mainly rested since we had to travel and Opaline  would be riding. I was okay with that. I was okay with her riding my  back since I always knew where she was and felt her warm body hold onto  me. I wasn't sure if she'd be able to sleep on my back, but we will see.  I at least knew she had enough trust in me to carry her to our  destination, even if she wants to run.

Klyn  occasionally went and checked up on his Luna, then reported back to me  on her actions. Sometimes, she'd see him and smile, pausing whatever it  was she was doing to watch him for a moment, then when he started to  leave, she'd resume. Once, it was around lunch time, she told Klyn  to tell me to join her. I did so, earning an embrace and a kiss from my  little mate. When we sat down to eat, she kept close, pulling her chair  nearer mine until they were touching. I hadn't minded and kissed her  temple, whispering how obvious she was being.  This made her blush  furiously, her eyes glued to her plate of salad.

Later that afternoon, I went down to see the golden-haired  woman again. She was a little more compliant today and listened to the  plan I had set. Her only sign of listening was a short nod of her head  while looking down at her child who was asleep. I explained how Opaline  was going to become Luna tomorrow evening and how she'd do everything  in her power to protect the woman and the child. I also said that there  was a room in my house she could sleep in until things settled down and  she could find a place of her own on my land. Her eyes softened a little  when I finished, and she told me she was ready to go when the time was  right. So, I left her, going to get ready myself.

That evening, Opaline barely touched her food and just leaned against me, her eyes closed and her breathing even. Klyn  chuckled when he saw just how out of it she was, and offered to hold  her while I shift. I let him, and turned into my black wolf before he  laid her on my back, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs  around my middle. I felt her shift her weight until she murmured  something unintelligible and tightening her embrace to fall back asleep.  When Klyn  was ready, I led him to the edge of the forest and waited a minute,  looking back at the house. My friend was a little confused as to why we  were waiting, but I told him we had two extra people coming along,  hopefully. 

After  a few minutes, I saw something move from the corner of my eye and  turned to see another pair of eyes watching us warily. Slowly, I went up  to her and gave a soft whine. Her ears picked up and her tail wagged  softly before following me. Klyn stared at the golden wolf and the little bundle in its jaws before I took off into the night, making him have to catch up. At first, I was worried the woman wouldn't be able to keep up the speed, but she did fine, even with the wriggling bundle.

We  reached my home by dawn and had no troubles other than the she-wolf  being hesitant entering another territory that wasn't my own or Opaline's family's. She didn't want to be found, and I understood that and reassured her that no one would find her yet. She was safe with me and Klyn and we'd only be passing through. 

She looked around my territory with ears pricked forward and eyes glancing around, almost like Opaline when she first came. Klyn  was the first to shift, lifting off my mate so I could do so myself. I  grabbed a pair of Opal's clothes and brought them out to the woman,  kneeling down and handing her the cloths. She glanced down at her baby  and I held out both arms, gesturing to her that I'd hold it while she  got dressed. After another moment of hesitation, she complied and gently  rested the baby in my arms before taking the bundle of clothes and  darting into the house to dress. 

Behind me, Klyn came out of the house and stood, watching me. "Who is she exactly?"

"You know who she is. There's no point in explaining it."

Sounds  and Vibrations (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now