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Once Opaline left with Gwenna and Bertolf and Nadine took the woman and baby, I turned serious, looking at my Beta. "We have a problem."

His eyes widen but he crosses his arms and waits for me to explain. I do. I tell him about the note and of Vuk being here to request Opaline's and my presence for Aryn at dinner. He is silent throughout the short explanation, and is deep in thought when I finish. He finally says, "She can't skip this. It was hard enough to get this going as it is, she isn't skipping it now that it's here." He pauses, sighing in frustration. "But your parents..."

"Klyn, I need to help my parents!" I say desperately.

He shakes his head. "No, you need to stay here and make Opaline Luna. Whoever this is, they are cowards to not confront us head on."

"They will die if we don't go there and show ourselves."

Klyn glares at me. "What about Opaline? Where is she in all your plans? She is your mate, Lykaon."

"I know that, damn it!" I hiss, breathing hard. "But they're the only family I have."

Klyn's voice softens. "I understand. But they are making you choose between your mate and your parents. Your mate becomes Luna tonight, and they're trying to stop that for whatever reason. Your parents won't be happy if you sacrifice your mate to save them, you know that."

I nod. After a while, we head out to the pack house to see everything ready and people already waiting around. We still had a couple of hours before the ceremony starts so I wasn't too worried I looked around and ran into the forest.

The west border was dense with trees and foliage, but I could make it through easily in my wolf form. I could smell something foul but couldn't place what it was. It smelled like a rotting corpse, but I didn't see any around. Underneath that, there was another scent, one more alluring. I followed it, crossing the border and onto uncharted territory.

I continued on for a long time until I stopped and realized I had no idea where I was, no idea where I was going. The scent hit my nose again and without thinking, I continued following it. It was about thirty seconds until I felt my paw catch in something, trying to pull it out only for the trap to snap shut and the teeth tear into my leg, breaking bone. I howled and tried to shake it off, but it wouldn't budge. I couldn't even shift to help myself.

I hear a soft, menacing laugh from somewhere ahead and see a woman standing there with a gun in both hands, pointing them straight at me. "I knew you couldn't resist!"

I furrow my brows in confusion then see wolves surrounding me, at least ten of them. "Why do you want my mate? Where are my parents?"

The woman, not much older than myself, frowns a bit. "I want her for personal reasons, as for your parents..." she trailed off, humming to herself. "Well, you've still got time to do as I asked."

"What did my mate ever do to you?" I hiss, keeping my eyes on her, but staying alert of the others. "She's been nothing but good to everyone she meets."

The woman smiles and shakes her head. "She killed my mate, Alpha. She killed him without a second thought, and I would like to return the favor to her. Bring her here at sundown, or you or parents die."

I shake my head now. "You're lying!"

"Why would I lie about something so important?" she snarls. With a wave of her hand, she dismisses the wolves and backs away. "Sundown!"

Lykaon, Opaline needs you, Klyn hisses.

What's wrong?

I don't know, but Bertolf said she just shifted and is hiding somewhere in the house.

Sounds  and Vibrations (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora