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The six of us were heading down to the cells where we kept prisoners like Melanie until they hold trial. Opaline  wanted to go for personal reasons I couldn't fight with, so I told her  to just stay close. She nodded and linked her arm with mine. Klyn was in front of us while Alpha Aryn, Beta Vuk and Rosetta followed behind. 

When we got inside, I wasn't surprised to feel Opaline's  body tense slightly and shift closer to mine. I held one hand and  wrapped the other around her waist protectively, assuring her that I was  still there. Klyn led the way to the very bottom of the cells where the worst prisoners were kept and stood in front of silver bars coated in wolfsbane  for extra security. Inside, Melanie was chained by her wrists above her  head and her ankles to the wall. Her head was hanging but I knew she  was awake. 

Aryn growled low at the woman, and so did Rosetta. Opaline just stood there, staring at her with an unreadable expression. Klyn disappeared into a closet nearby and came out holding a large pair of gloves for anyone to take. I noticed how no one noticed, but all were focused on Melanie looking worst for wear. Vuk  spoke first. "I can't say I'm disappointed seeing you like this,  Melanie. After so many years of trying to find you, it is satisfying to  see you finally strung up and helpless like all those men."

The woman lifted her head slight to glare at him through her lashes. When she saw Opaline though, something changed. "You let them do this?" she croaked.

Opaline  didn't answer, but continued staring as if she didn't hear the  question, but I knew she did because her hand tightened on mine. Aryn stepped forward this time. "Haven't you caused enough trouble for all of us?"

Her laugh was bitter, filled with hatred. "Since when have I caused trouble for you, Alpha Aryn? I was never on your territory. I never even met you in person until now."

Aryn growled but Opaline finally said, "I told them to put you in here, Melanie."

Melanie looked at my mate with shock and a little hurt. "Why?"

"You know why."

"So, you believe the lies they told you?"

"I believe loss and unleashed anger in someone's eyes when they tell me what happened to their mate."

Melanie seemed confused for a moment. "Whose mate did I kill besides the one I killed last night?"

"Mine, you bitch!" Rosetta hissed.

Melanie  looked at her and her eyes widened. "You're still alive? I guess I  shouldn't be surprised, I mean, you were one female I couldn't kill that  was on my list before I had a child. I would've hoped though that you'd  have died a horrible death."

"Feeling's mutual, believe me."

Melanie smirked and turned back to Opaline. "So,  I might have made some mistakes when I was younger, but don't we all? I  mean, it is certainly hard when your mate rejects you for another  female."

"Who was your mate?" Opaline asked.

The woman smiled and looked at Vuk. "Would you like to share our little secret, or shall I?"

Aryn turned to his Beta. "You're mates with that thing?"

"Not anymore. My mate is dead, never to be seen again." Vuk took the gloves from Klyn.  "I have no mate. I have no one to call mine, and I certainly won't take  this filthy thing called a woman!" he spat as he opened the door and  went over to her. 

"You know there's a bond, Vuk. You know you can't hurt me," Melanie crooned, but she was wrong. Vuk slammed his fist into her stomach so hard, blood splattered from her mouth. 

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