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Opaline looked exhausted when we got home. I let Klyn and Darion go home so Opaline could shift comfortably once we were inside. The pack seemed to do well with her, except staring all too intently at the size of her, mistaking her for a pup. I didn’t let them continue those thoughts and growled at them to behave, telling them who it was. Their expressions instantly changed to regret and guilt, then to shock.

After dismissing Klyn and Darion, I walked inside my house and went up to the room, finding the bathroom shut and the shower on. Content, I go to the closet and shift, putting on a pair of pants. I walk back down and into the kitchen, grabbing a small snack for Opal and myself. On the way there, I hear a painfilled cry from upstairs. Pausing, I listen for it again, but it doesn’t come. Thinking I might have imagined it because I was tired, I continued.

When I got back in the room, Opaline still wasn’t out of the bathroom yet. Opaline doesn’t take long showers and definitely doesn’t do makeup and other stuff women like to do. Setting the tray on the bed, I walk over and put my ear to the door. The water is still running, and there’s something that sounds like tape or plastic. Furrowing my brows, I knocked. “I’m almost finished. I’m sorry!” came her reply.

I was about to respond but remember she can’t hear me. I’ll give five more minutes before I start to worry.

My heart is racing from anxiety and I can’t stand it any longer. It’s been thirty minutes since I first checked on her and she’s not out yet. I go over and start picking the lock, desperate to see Opaline and figure out what is wrong. I know she hides, but this must be something different because not only is she hiding from the outside world, but she’s hiding from me. She’s never really hid from me.

I hear a click and slam the door open. There is steam everywhere and I can’t see anything. From the shower, I hear a shift in movement and carefully make my way over. I find the handle and open it up, squinting to see what is inside. All I see is red and I wonder if it’s because my eyes hurt too much or if I’m really angry, though I don’t think it’s the latter. Bending down, I feel the granite ground and something sticky meets my skin. I bring my hand to my face and suddenly smell it. It’s overwhelming and making my nose hurt: blood.

“Opaline!” Making my way further inside, not caring if I get blood all over, I try to find her. My shower is large, so she could be anywhere. I finally reach the opposite wall and met skin. The steam starts to clear away and I see Opaline limp in the corner, one hand holding the other arm that has the bad hand which is now opened and bones stick out like needles. Klyn!
My hands shake and I don’t know where to start to even help her.

What’s wrong?

It’s Opaline! She’s—

I wasn’t sure if I could even say it. I already know she lost a lot of blood and somehow her hand is even worse than before. I just told Truent. We’ll be there in a minute, Klyn informs through the link.

Grabbing a towel, I wrap it around her hand, not bothering with her nakedness, then lift her into my arms and down to the dining room table where I throw everything off and lay her down. “Come on, Opal!” I whisper desperately. “Stay with me! You’re going to be okay.”

The front door opens and a few pairs of feet come running in led by Klyn. The moment he sets foot in the dining room, he stops dead in his tracks. Truent was quick on his feet and rushed forward, unwrapping the towel. “What happened?” he asks urgently.

“I don’t know. She took a long time in the shower and after so long, I found her limp and blood flowing in the drain. Her hand—”

“We need to take her to the ER. She needs blood and treatment that I can’t give her here. Do you have more towels?” I nod and run out, grabbing a few as well as a sheet to cover her with. I wince when I notice it’s white. Klyn grabs a towel and helps the doctor wrap Opaline’s hand while I carefully wrap the sheet around her body. “Alpha, I’m not sure if you should come.”

Sounds  and Vibrations (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now