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I stayed in wolf form until Opaline woke up the next morning and the nurse basically shooed me away. My mate begged for me to stay, but the nurse wouldn't have it, so I shifted in the bathroom, got dressed, and came back out. I almost laughed at the glare Opal gave the interfering nurse. When I sat beside her on the opposite side of the bed, my mate smiled at me, softening her face and had me pull her into my lap, keeping her arms tightly around my neck.

Klyn came in with a large box in hand, setting it on the bedside table and pulling out clothes, shoes, and toiletries for Opaline, who blushed when she saw the underthings he had picked out. I glared at Klyn, who only chuckled and threw everything in the box again and put it in the bathroom. I held Opal for a while longer until Truent came in.

He didn't take long at all. He looked at the stitches on her ribs and collarbone, then told her the same as he told me, before saying she was free to go. Barely contained excitement shone in her eyes as I helped her to the bathroom to wash up. This time, she let me help her and didn't hide herself once or blush. We didn't shower together, but I did help her into the bath where I sat on the toilet and helped her when asked. Opaline then let the drain out and waited for me to grab a towel before carefully standing up and holding her arms up.

Once she was dried and dressed, I carried her back to the bed and let her eat before we left. Darion came up and told us the car was ready and that Klyn was there as well, then said he was heading back to the pack. Opaline finished half her plate, brushed her teeth, and smiled softly. I took her hand and led her down the hallways and outside where a cobalt blue car was waiting, Klyn in the driver's seat. I helped Opal in the backseat with her seatbelt, then went around the other side and got in beside her.

"Want to go anywhere before home?" he asked us.

Opaline shook her head, resting it on the headrest behind her. I said, "Just take us home. She's exhausted."

My mate fell asleep on the way, and didn't wake up when we arrived, so I carried her up to my room and laid her down. Kissing her head, I covered her up and walked over to the windows to shut the curtains when I saw Aryn walking up to my house. My wolf growled, angry he was here when our mate was vulnerable. Sighing, I went down and met him at the door. "Lykaon, we have a matter to discuss."

"And what would that be?"

"Your mate," he said in a dangerous tone. His eyes narrowed and he took in a deep breath, eyes going amber from his wolf. "She's here!"

"Of course, she's here. She lives here, but you aren't going to see her."

Aryn stepped towards me, only putting us at a few inches apart. "You can't stop me. I want to see what wolf she has and if she's my mate's killer."

"She isn't your mate's killer!" I snarled.

"How do you know?"

"Because she doesn't have the strength to kill a woman who is innocent." I leaned forward, making him back away a half step. "My mate would rather protect Maybelle if she saw her hurt than kill her."

"Or, she's just playing you to get you to trust her, while she does horrible things behind your back?"

"Aryn!" Klyn said from behind the Alpha. "What are you doing here?" he asked cheerfully.

I sighed inwardly, making a note to thank him later. Aryn turned and put on a smooth façade. "Beta Klyn, I was just checking in on your Alpha. I wanted to make sure he is doing well while being new at this job."

Klyn walked up beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "He's a great alpha, seriously. The pack loves him and their Luna."

"Do they now?" he says more to himself than to us, nodding his head slowly. "I see, well I should be going. I have a meeting soon and wouldn't want to miss that!"

Sounds  and Vibrations (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now