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I wake and was able to open my eyes without exhaustion pulling them closed again. My head felt less fuzzy, my body more relaxed than earlier. I was in a hospital room with many machines around and a bedtable at the foot of my bed. On the wall in front of me was a large tv, a door that I assumed led to the bathroom, and cabinets. On my left was the door to the hallway and on my right were windows that gave me a beautiful view of—a city? My brows furrowed until I looked down and saw Lykaon sleeping in a recliner, his head on a fist propped up on the armrest.

A smile grew on my face even though I felt pain when I tried to move. He stayed. My mate stayed with me even though his pack probably needs him more. I felt somewhat guilty, but so happy at the same time. I reached my arm out, but didn't even get close to him, which disappointed me a little. I didn't try to do anything else, and so laid back and watched him sleep peacefully beside me.

A knock made me come alert and I looked to see a nurse walking in with a clipboard. When she saw me awake, she smiled. "How are you feeling, Opal?"

"Better, but still sore."

"Sore is better than unbearable pain, so I'm glad to hear it." She washed her hands and came over to my left side. "Would you like to try and eat something?" I nod emphatically. Again, her smile was warm and gentle as she took my vitals. "I'm going to lift your gown to see your ribs, is that okay?"

I glanced at Lykaon, really wanting him awake right now. "Um, do you have to?"

"I need to see if the stitches are healing like they should. It should only take a few seconds."

"Okay," I whisper and let her do it. She touched some spots and took some bandages off others to look, but it didn't take long.

"You seem to be healing a lot quicker than usual, but everything is looking like it should. Let me go get you some breakfast then we can get you in the shower." I nod and she leaves, taking her clipboard with her.

A moment later, Klyn walks in. I smile wide at him. "You're here!"

"Hey! You're awake!" he chuckles and walks to me, giving me a hug. "How do you feel?"

"Alive," I say breathlessly. "But still sore."

"Well, Lykaon will be happy you're doing good." He glances at the Alpha who was still sound asleep. "It's good he's sleeping now. He hasn't slept in a while."

Behind him, the nurse appeared with a tray of food. "Here you go, Opaline." Pulling the table over, she sat me up and opened the lid, presenting pancakes and bacon. "If there is anything else you need, press the call button and someone will come down here."

I nod and begin eating. She leaves and Klyn sits by my feet, his arms crossed. "How does it feel to be able to hear again?"

This question makes me pause. "I don't know. I remember realizing I could hear the last time I woke up and being terrified that I was hallucinating, now it's second nature I guess. Though, loud sounds are going to be more annoying than usual. I got used to being deaf."

"Does that mean you're disappointed?"

"No. I'm glad I don't have to read lips and have to constantly look at someone's lips while trying to understand what they want to say. I just think this is going to be an adjustment. Not a big one, but still an adjustment." He nods. Klyn thinks for a while and I finish my food and drink some water. When I'm done, I look at Lykaon. "What all happened when I was here?"

"Nothing much," Klyn responds. "Lykaon was pretty much by your side the whole time except to deal with a few minor problems and an old friend visiting. I was either here or outside making sure you two were safe."

Sounds  and Vibrations (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now