California Dreamin'

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"Thank you both so much for agreeing to do this," The young interviewer spoke still in awe and with an innocent sincerity that made both Lindsey and Stevie look at each other and smile broadly before Stevie replied
"You're so welcome honey," her voice was unmistakable and each word had a little southern lilt that made you want her to never stop talking.

"If we can just get through the introductory part and the voice overs that would be great," the interviewer began "and then we can start from the beginning."

"Sure thing," Lindsey answered his thumb stroking over Stevie's soft skin as he held her little hand in his palm.

"Today on a very special edition of behind country music Are Country's biggest duo, with an illustrious career spanning the past 40 years, we go back to the delve into the days when Buckingham was the guitar playing swim team captain and Nicks was a poetry writing bohemian both living in the same small gated community in san jose unbeknownst to each other at the time. The legendary singing pair have now been together for 50 years, married for 45 of them, and hopefully in this very special anniversary interview we can provide with an insight into the magic that not only surrounds, but is, Buckingham Nicks." The interviewer finished speaking directly into the camera and broke with her trance like state that she always went into to be able to say those things, in front of the people she was saying them about and not die of embarrassment. She looked to her producer for confirmation to continue and received a firm nod.

Stevie and Lindsey gazed at each other lovingly sitting on their favourite couch in their Nashville mansion, even surrounded by the camera crew and production team that had taken over their living room, when they looked at each other they felt like they were the only two people that existed in the world.

"Mrs Buckingham," the interviewer began in earnest, "when you hear those numbers, 40 years in the business, 50 years together, does it feel like that long to you?"

"You know it really doesn't, they do say time flies when you're having fun or whatever it is, and i think i really must have been having fun for the past 50 years because a lifetime has past and in a lot of ways i still feel the same as when we first met." Stevie answered easily and honestly, they didn't have any ulterior motive in giving this interview, they were so happy to talk about their life together and that people wanted to hear about it after all these years was very gratifying to both of them.

"Can you tell me about that, about you the very first time you met?" The interviewer asked when Stevie finished.
"Oh that one's Steph's forté," Lindsey said rubbing his wife's shoulder with the hand that was wrapped protectively around her. "You gotta hear her tell that one."
"You just like my version better than your own," Stevie said looking at him with playful eyes and a little smirk,
"We both remember it a little differently," she said looking back towards the interviewer "but as I remember it," she began and poked Lindsey playfully as she fell deep into the memory of the moment that changed the course of her life forever.


Where the hell has Robin gone Stevie thought looking around in frustration, she'd just started her senior year at yet another new school, this time in San Francisco and her best friend Robin had dragged her to some so called 'happening' party, which had turned out to be some kind of church youth gathering thing, she didn't really know what it was, but so far it definitely wasn't happening. She smiled intensely at some juniors who were drooling over her, scaring them completely by acknowledging them checking her out, she chuckled to herself and set off in search of a drink.

She came into a second living room kind of area and was immediately drawn to a corner where she saw this gorgeous guy with a mane of curly hair sprawled out on chair playing a guitar. But it wasn't the guy that caught her attention, it was his voice singing one of her favourite songs. Not knowing what had possessed her, she brazenly walked over to him and burst into song, joining him in the first chorus

All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey
I've been for a walk on a winters day
If i didn't tell her i could leave today
California dreamin' on such a winters day

He looked up in surprise but then smiled as Stevie harmonized perfectly with him and they continued to sing the rest of the song together. When they had finished the people in the party who had gathered around to listen broke into applause and Stevie smiled graciously and leaned down to kiss the mystery guitar players cheek.

"Thanks for letting me crash your song," She murmured into his ear over the noise of the party, then stood up straight again.

"Any time," He said with a broad smile that highlighted his chiseled features.
"I'm Lindsey Buckingham by the way."
"Stevie Nicks." She replied about to say something else when Robin spotted her and called her out to her. She shrugged at Lindsey as if to say 'gotta go'.
"See you round Stevie." Lindsey said and she winked at him as she walked off, knowing he was staring at her.

"Where have you been?" Robin said as she grabbed Stevie's hand and pulled her into the kitchen.
"Looking for you," Stevie replied with evident exasperation. Robin was busy rifling through the fridge in whoever's kitchen they were in until she found a bottle of wine.
"So who was that boy you were talking to?" Robin said purposely prying and not giving a damn.
"Lindsey Buckingham." Stevie answered nonchalantly and Robin choked a little on her wine.
"Seriously?" She asked incredulously, looking like she was about to squeal and Stevie prayed she wouldn't.
"Yeah, why? What's the deal?" Stevie asked now intrigued.
"He's only like the crush of the entire junior year Steves, he's the swim team captain and he's in a band." Robin gushed.
"Well they can keep on crushing on him because all we did was say hello." Stevie replied and looked pointedly her best friend, shutting down the ideas she already knew were flashing through Robin's mind.

Present day
"No wonder you like Stevie's version of the story." The interviewer said forgetting who she was talking to for a second and sighing a breath of relief she didn't know she was holding when they both laughed.

"Well yeah, it's just a bit conceited to talk about how i was the crush of the junior year," Lindsey jokingly replied and both Stevie and the interviewer chuckled.

"You were pretty gorgeous baby," Stevie said seriously and Lindsey reacted in mock hurt.

"Were? Does that mean my looks have withered and gone?" Lindsey teased.
Stevie smacked him gently

"Oh you know what i mean, you infuriating man!" Stevie responded in playful annoyance "He does this on purpose, he's vain." Stevie said conspiratorially to the interviewer, talking about him as if he wasn't there.

"You haven't answered my question." Lindsey said pretending to pout.

"No your looks haven't gone, yes you are still ridiculously gorgeous, happy now?" Stevie said in an exasperated tone as if it was something she'd repeated over and over.

"No." Lindsey said and tickled her side making Stevie squeal and squirm away from his hand and consequently closer to his chest.

"Oh you are such a child." She said and kissed him, shaking her head when he smiled like a little boy who just got his own way.

"I'm very happy now angel," he said kissing Stevie's long golden hair that his fingers were always playing with.

"You are so annoying." She said and turned back to face the interviewer.

"Can you believe this is what i have to put up with? It's like living with a 16 year old. Everything really is just like when we first met!" She joked and they all laughed once again.

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