Gaining Robin

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"Lindsey" Stevie called out and he knew by the tone of her voice that she wanted something.

"Yes baby?" He asked quickly coming into the living room. To see his very heavily pregnant wife trying to adjust her position on the couch. He barely hide his smile as she huffed, managing to get into a seated position.

"Can you help me up please?" She asked and held out her hands, gently gripped her waist and she held onto his shoulders as he pulled her to standing and then released her waist to stroke the sides of her protruding bump that separated them. She gave him a peck on the lips.
"Thank you honey."

There wasn't long to go until Stevie's due date and Lindsey got more anxious everyday. He was so worried he wouldn't be ready when she went into labour and he didn't want a single thing to go wrong.

"Ohh," she yelped and grabbed her side.

"What? What is it? Are you in labour? Is it time to go to the hospital? Stay there! I'll get your bag!" Lindsey began frantically about to dash up the stairs.

"Lindsey, calm down. It was just a kick." She said laughing. "This is why you're not allowed in the room with me when it does actually happen. You're stressing me out."

"I'm sorry." He said taking a breath and regaining his faculties. "I promise i won't stress you out, i really want to see our baby be born though." he pleaded for the billionth time to no avail. Stevie was adamant she didn't want him in the room when she gave birth, she wanted her mom to be with her and if the baby came when it was supposed to Christine would be there too.

"Lindsey we've been through this. There are just some things men don't need to see. Mommy was just fine with Daddy sitting in the waiting room when she gave birth and so was your mother. I want it to be calm and to be surrounded by female energy. And lets face it you're such a drama queen." She teased as she definitively ended the argument.

"No i'm not." He said sadly and tried to be convincing but she knew better than to fall for his pretend pouting. "You hear that sweetheart, Mommy doesn't want Daddy to be there to see you come into the world." Lindsey spoke to Stevie's belly in a baby voice.

"As soon as the baby is born you can come in." She promised and he took what he could get.

"I want to hold her first - after you." Lindsey said seriously and she nodded her agreement.

"Deal but it could be a him." Stevie corrected.

"You're the one who's always saying our daughter and oh Linds she's kicking again and the one time i say it you tell me off." Lindsey said exasperatedly, he couldn't keep up with her mood swings.

She wrapped her arms around his waist as best she could with her belly in the way. "When i do give birth i'll officially have 2 children in the house." She teased him and he pinched her butt.
"Right i'm going to check on Robin." She said and he kissed her cheek, receiving a beautiful smile in return before she waddled off.

Stevie had insisted Robin move in with them when she got so sick she was confined to her bed. Her doctors had strongly advised her to go into the hospital but Robin didn't want to and Stevie did everything to make sure she got whatever she wanted. Robin had a nurse that provided her with the medical care she needed. She was still in great spirits and Stevie knew she was holding out until her baby was born. Robin mostly just slept a lot now, conserving her strength and the further into her pregnancy Stevie got, the more sleep she needed too. They had developed a routine where Stevie would go upstairs around 4pm and they would talk for an hour, then take a nap together and wake up with enough energy to eat dinner until they fell asleep again. Lindsey joked that he had turned into the night owl because he went to bed at 10 instead of 8:30 like the girls.

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