Things happen for a reason

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Present day

"Now you had two big opportunities, how did you decide what to do?"
The interviewer asked completely enthralled in the story.

"Well Lindsey never really wanted to join Fleetwood Mac," Stevie began and he nodded because it was the truth.
"I didn't know very much about them, so the next day i went out and bought all their records, which was like 5 or 6 albums right, and i listened to them all back to back and their music was a lot different to ours, much more bluesy, no harmonies really but they had this kind of mystical, witchy element that i really like and i said to Lindsey 'you know i really think that we could add something to this band', we were definitely going to do the shows in Alabama regardless because they were prior commitments, but it was the war of whether we join this band or not."


Stevie lay on the floor still in her waitress uniform, listening to mystery to me, she loved the female voice she heard, that she'd learned was Christine Mcvie and she hummed along a little trying to think everything through. As much as she wanted to join the band she was terrified that if they did she'd be like a spare part, they didn't really want her, they needed Lindsey and were willing to take her because he'd insisted. She loved him even more for that but it didn't stop her being frightened. There was already a girl in the band, what would Stevie even do?

Lindsey wouldn't even listen to the records with her, he said he'd had time to think about while she was at work and he thought that their spec record was going to well to give up on it now. That and the fact the he was so used to being in charge he didn't want to be beholden to anyone else, but he didn't tell her that part.

She made them dinner and had withheld food until he'd sat down with her to have a serious conversation.
"Baby i think we need to do this," Stevie started and when she didn't use the high pitched voice she usually did when she wanted something, Lindsey decided to listen to her as she'd listened to him earlier.

"We can add something to their sound. We're broke again Linds, if we join this band at least we can save some money and if we don't like it after a few months we can quit and go back to Buckingham Nicks two. No decision is irrevocable. But we could need the money, so we can y'know - buy food and fix reverse on our car because we can't go anywhere without reverse."

Lindsey tried not to laugh as Stevie was being so serious.

"I'm not saying no completely Steph, we can meet them first and i'll keep an open mind but i think we can make it as just us."

Stevie knew she couldn't ask for more than that, so she dropped it. They were going to dinner the next night and she had a good feeling about it even with all her under riding trepidations.


Stevie stood outside a little mexican restaurant still in her waitress uniform waiting for Lindsey and the members of Fleetwood Mac to show up. As her stomach did another nervous flip two big white Cadillacs pulled up and Lindsey was somehow right behind them.

"Hey baby," Lindsey said and kissed her cheek quickly, then wrapped his arm loosely around her waist, knowing she was more anxious than she'd let on. Stevie watched as the 3 imposing english people walked towards them. Mick she'd been once before and was certain he was at least 2 feet taller than her, the bassist John had a totally 70's look going on with his beard and bellbottom jeans, he held his wife's hand, unbeknownst to Lindsey and Stevie the fate of the band rest in Christine's hand, as if she didn't like Stevie they wouldn't ask her to join.
John squeezed her hand reassuringly knowing she was nervous about how all this would work out and she gave him a small smile.

"Hello there," Mick called jovially and shook Lindsey's hand, then leant down and kissed Stevie's cheek, which Lindsey definitely didn't like.

"Hi," Stevie said amicably and nudged Lindsey discreetly.

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