Don't let me go

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"Robin?" Stevie called gently through her bedroom door. "Can i come in angel?"

"Yes," a muffled response sounded and Stevie padded in. "Did i nap too long? Is it time already?" Robin asked worriedly through her yawn, lying in bed in her white robe, with her hair in curlers.

"No, sweet girl, i just wanted to talk to you before it gets manic," Stevie said climbing onto the bed and being careful not to get her pinned hair caught on the pillows. She too was in a white robe and they were soon to have their makeup done and dresses put on.

"Hmm it's so peaceful right now," Robin sighed holding her bump contentedly and closing her eyes again. "I'm not ready for manic."

"I'll keep them as calm as possible," Stevie promised, taking her hand and intwining their fingers, her own engagement ring on Robin's left hand made her smile softly every time she saw it. She brought Robin's hand up to her cheek and nuzzled into it, closing her eyes too.

Robin turned on her side slowly and moved closer to Stevie until they were nose to nose. She reached over and wrapped her arm around Stevie's back, gently stroking it as Stevie enveloped Robin in both her arms and held her tightly.

Stevie willed herself not to cry, this is a happy day, why do i feel like i'm losing a piece of my heart? Stevie thought, shutting her eyes tighter to stop the tears escaping. She felt Robin's nose nudge hers playfully and opened her eyes, staring into her daughters bright blue ones, that stole her heart the first time she ever saw them and had held it ever since. Robin's fingers brushed Stevie's cheek gently as they stared into each others eyes for a long time, not needing to say anything, it was all there.

"I didn't think it would hurt this much," Stevie whispered and Robin kept gazing at her intently, Stevie always talked about how much she loved that her children had Lindsey's stunning blue eyes, but Robin always wanted Stevie's, her warm brown eyes felt like the happiest home, held more love than any blue ocean ever could and told a thousand tales on the topic of beauty with just one look.

"Letting you go," Stevie breathed, holding Robin physically tighter as if she would slip out of her grasp.

"Mommy, i'm not going anywhere," Robin promised, kissing her lips softly. Stevie returned the kiss, shaking her head sadly.

"You're not just my little girl anymore," She tried to explain and Robin looked panicked for a second.

"You'll always be my baby, but you have your own life now and i have to let you go." Stevie said.

"I'm not ready to let you go." Robin said tearfully, holding onto Stevie for dear life and Stevie dissolved too. Her tears fell silently as she felt her chest heaved.

"Mommy, do you remember my first day of pre-school?" Robin asked through her tears and Stevie nodded against her neck.
"I was so frightened but i was trying not to show it and you held me so tight in the car and when i was about to go in you started crying and Daddy told you to stop? I'm glad you cried, because then i knew you were frightened too, and i asked if you were coming back to get me and you said 'of course i am angel,'. I knew everything would be okay because you were coming back. I wanted to run in and get it over with straight away so i could see you again, and you'd hold me just as tight on the way home. I love you more than i've ever loved anyone, including Matt, please don't let me go," Robin whispered as silent tears ran down her cheeks.

Stevie rocked her as she shook and sobbed.
"I'm still just your little girl, i still need you, i still want you to make it all better when i'm scared like you did with the baby and the wedding, i still want to crawl in bed with you when i'm sad, i still want you to cut the crusts off my sandwiches and braid my hair, i'll always need you,"

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