I mean it - Part II

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"Thank you for meeting with me today Matt. I presume you know why your here." Lindsey began as he sat with Matt in their back garden and Stevie spied rather un-clandestinely through the kitchen window.

"Yes sir and i'd like to say first of all that i'm very sorry i didn't ask your permission first but Robin was very upset when we found out and i wanted to reassure her right away that wasn't going anywhere and i wanted to take responsibility for her and our baby." Matt said clearly nervous, he'd never been in this kind of situation in his life, he'd never even been in detention, he wasn't sure how to handle it when someone didn't like him and he definitely wanted Lindsey to like him, or at least not want to kill him.

"Well i appreciate that and that is also why we're talking. How exactly do you plan on taking responsibility as you put it? What happens after the hypothetical wedding?" Lindsey interrogated.

"I'm graduating college the end of this month, i've got a job lined up at an accounting firm and it's a good salary, with benefits. My grandparents left me a college fund which i never spent because i had a sporting scholarship, we've started looking for a house and i'm hoping we'd have found one and can have it ready in time for the baby. I'm not just talking about taking responsibility though, i love your daughter and i want to start a life with her. It's sooner than we planned but i think we can do this." Matt tried to explain succinctly.

"And once your married my daughter is just expected to stay at home and play the good wife?" Lindsey said digging deeper.

"I'm not going to lie that is what we're planning at the minute. She wants to go to college but not until the baby is older, maybe when he starts school and she has time in the day but whatever she wants to do i will support. If she wants to stay at home or if she wants to work either way is fine by me, i just want her to be happy."

Lindsey nodded seemingly satisfied with his answer.

"My daughter has made it very clear that this is what she wants, she says you're in love with her and that you're a good man and so far you haven't proved her wrong but i'm warning you now and i'm warning you once, if you ever harm my daughter or my grandchild in anyway you will answer directly to me and i'm sure my son wouldn't hesitate to teach you a lesson as well. Now i know i'm not exactly frightening but you are yet to see what i can do with a meat cleaver, so keep that in mind." Lindsey said menacingly and Matt gulped seeing the look in his eyes.

"I'll do everything in my power to protect Robin and my son and i hope i never have to find out what you can do with a meat cleaver." Matt answered sincerely.

Lindsey sat back and relaxed deciding to lighten the conversation a bit.
"How did your parents take it?"

"Really well actually, i have 3 older brothers who all have children so it's not their first. They had me when they were much older so i think they're just happy they get to see their grandchildren born at all." Matt said smiling.

"That's a little morbid." Lindsey said chuckling.

"Nothing like a reminder of mortality to make you appreciate what's important in life." Matt shrugged.

"You don't have to remind me." Lindsey pointed to the scar on his chest from open heart surgery.

"I'd really appreciate your blessing to marry Robin, Mr Buckingham but if you don't want to give it you don't have to, we just don't want to put you under any unnecessary strain sir." Matt asked.

"Don't listen to my wife so much, that little goddess loves to exaggerate, my health is just fine." Lindsey said shaking his head and chuckling, waving in her direction and she ducked under the sink when Matt turned around.

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