Soldier's Angel

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Present day

"MOM!" A voice boomed through the house.

"Kitchen." She yelled back making Mia wince as she was a little to close for the sound to be comfortable. Stevie put down the potatoes she was now slicing knowing what was about to happen as Jess barged into the room and picked her up high into the air, spinning her around and dancing towards to doorway with her then coming back again and placing her down, getting down on his knees for her to kiss him.

"Why is everybody nuts around here?" Mia laughed watching the shenanigans.

"It's your little Nana, she brings out the crazy in everyone." Jess said wrapping his arms around his mothers waist and squeezing her tightly. Stevie loved how much of a fuss her boys made of her and held onto him as he lifted her up again, placing her on the counter next to Mia.

"Doesn't your uncle get a hello kiss?" Jess asked Mia still holding onto Stevie.

"Not if he keeps referring to himself in the third person." Mia teased as she placed a kiss on his cheek and he grinned at her.

"Someone pays attention in school." He teased back as Stevie gave her a kiss laughing.

"That one was Grandad actually, he's fond of the tenses," she smirked and Lindsey winked at them from the table.

"So are you gonna let me finish dinner or are you going to hold me hostage all night?" Stevie asked still trapped on the counter.

"Oh i don't know, i was hoping for a good ransom." Jess said his eyes glinting mischievously.

"And what do you deem as a good ransom?" Stevie raised her eyebrows at him chuckling.

"Well usually i won't settle for anything less than a french kiss, but seeing as your my mother and all, i'll take a kiss on the cheek." Jess grinned and she placed a big sloppy kiss on his cheek laughing hysterically.

"Like that? She asked as he wiped her slobber off his face and she wiped the tears of laughter away from her eyes.

"Not at all like that." Jess laughed. "Hey Dad you wanna take over. She's not paying up." Jess winked at Lindsey who chuckled and got up walking over to them and kissing his sons cheek.

"I owe you one." He said replacing Jess, putting his arms around his wife's waist and positioning himself between her legs as her little feet dangled from the counter.

"Hey you can't just trade me off." Stevie said slapping Jess' arm as he went to sit down.

"Too late baby." Lindsey said. "Now you have to negotiate with me and i definitely won't settle for anything less than a french kiss." He said seductively and Stevie looked at him impassively to see what he'd do. He gripped her waist a little tighter and pulled her closer to him so she was on the edge of the counter.

"Do we have a deal Stephanie?" He whispered an inch away from her lips and she leaned forward and kissed him, slowly opening her mouth and slipping her tongue into his, as Jess and their grandchildren oohed and whistled in the background. They were more than used to it by now, they actually judged if something was wrong if their grandparents weren't all over each other but they still loved teasing them about it.

Stevie pulled back gently and smiled, Lindsey smiling brightly too.
"Alright you've had your fun, help me down." She said her arms going around his neck as he carefully lifted her down from the counter and she pecked his lips quickly.

"Jess where's Holly?" Stevie asked getting back to her vegetables as Lindsey sat down and not so discreetly high fived his son.

"She's following in the other car, i had to put gas in the truck on the way and i still beat her here." Jess laughed.

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