We've got the rest of our lives

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Stevie woke up with the oh too familiar urge to throw up and running to the bathroom she did. Thankfully her sickness had limited itself to the morning once her body adjusted to the pregnancy.

Cleaning herself up, she smiled happily at the mirror, not even morning sickness was going to ruin her mood, i'm getting married today.

"Steves are you okay?" Robin called from the bedroom.

"Yes, i'm fine," Stevie called back. She'd made Lindsey stay at Robin's house last night in keeping with the tradition of not seeing the bride before on the day of the wedding and Robin had slept at their house with Stevie, reminiscing late into the night. Robin hadn't gotten any better but she didn't want to spend her last months cooped up in a hospital bed and so had come home. Stevie tried to make everyday special for her and Robin was so thrilled that she got to be there for Stevie's big day and for as much of her pregnancy as she was going to see. Stevie always thought Robin would be the first to have a baby, it was so strange that these were the last firsts she would share with her best friend.

Robin came into the bathroom and wrapped her arms around Stevie protectively, startling her.
"I feel like i'm giving my daughter away," She joked.

"You're like 4 months older than me." Stevie replied shaking her head but laughing and turning around to hug Robin tightly.

"I know, but I got to take care of you these past few years and now you're taking care of me, becoming a wife, having my godchild," she teased looking at Stevie's stomach, "I feel like everything is coming together just in time for me to leave. When i'm gone, it'll be okay because you won't need me as much anymore."

"I'll always need you." Stevie said and she started crying hugging Robin tighter than seemed possible.

"I'll be there in spirit." Robin whispered and Stevie was blown away by her acceptance every time.
"No crying. This is the happiest day of your life." She scolded and stroked Stevie's hair until she stopped crying and smiled shyly.

"I'm really doing this?" She said almost in disbelief herself at the sudden turn of events. Everything had happened so fast. It felt like yesterday she was calling her mom to tell her she was pregnant and now she was getting married. Two weeks had flown by and they were doing this just in time as a tiny bump had magically appeared a few days ago.

"Yes you are, now lets start on your hair because this is not the day to be Stevie scale late." Robin said.

"Yeah right, knowing Lindsey he's moved everything to an hour later than i think it is."

"We're not taking any chances, what kind of maid of honour would i be if the bride was late?"


Lindsey stood nervously at the alter, he tried to focus on the details to calm himself down. Barbara really had outdone herself, and this was only the church, he could hardly imagine what the hotel they'd completely taken over for the day would look like.

In the church the pews were draped in ivory chiffon and arrangements of white roses covered every available surface. He was just examining the white carpet that led from the ornate doors right up to him at the alter when the music began to play.

Christine was led down the aisle by Lindsey's groomsmen Richard, both had come down from LA for the service and Lindsey smiled at them anxiously. Next Robin came down the aisle clinging tightly to Lindsey's brother Jeff. She moved slowly but with great elegance and grace. Lindsey reached out for her and kissed her cheek, she beamed before taking her place behind where Stevie would soon stand.

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