You're making this harder

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"Linds, i'm okay now." Stevie said softly, lifting her head off his shoulder. She looked into his eyes for a long moment and reached her delicate hand up to caress his cheek. "Shall we go get this over with?"

"Yeah, the quicker this is done and the kids are here the better." Lindsey murmured, turning his head to kiss her palm, then taking her hand in his own and she squeezed his hand tighter as they went back into the living room and sat down, trying the maintain an air of professionalism when they were still reeling.

"We only have a little bit more to cover," The interviewer said shyly "your most recent work is so well known it speaks for itself, it's just the fifth and sixth album and then the rest of the show will be segments of your anniversary concert."

Lindsey broke out into a slight smile, only Stevie would specifically book a show on their anniversary and want to film it. She loved being on stage more than anyone he'd ever met.

"You're coming to that right?" Stevie asked the interviewer smiling expectantly.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it," the interviewer almost squealed before regaining her composure.

"Good." Stevie replied laughing, they'd done so many interviews over the years that she'd nearly mastered how to move from talking about difficult topics back to lighter things.

"Ready to roll?" The interviewer asked the camera operator who nodded and counted them back in.

"There seems like a big gap between your fourth and fifth albums what was going on in the meantime?" The interviewer tried to ease into an open question and not mention Robin.

"Well it does seem like that, but we were working during the whole four years between albums. We finished the third album when i was really heavily pregnant so we couldn't tour with it and then started making the fourth album a few months after Robin was born because y'know we could pick our own hours and I could be at home with her most of the time while Lindsey was in the studio which was like 5 minutes from our house at the time, so it was real easy. The album is obviously not that easy listening, it's probably our saddest album but i'd like to think even through the sadness you can still hear the optimism, especially in Lindsey's songs." Stevie said and smiled at her husband.

"We didn't tour for like a year after the fourth record came out. I didn't want to take Robin on the road and there wasn't any real need to go on tour because the album was selling so well and when we did actually go on tour, people knew our new material well which was a great feeling, because a lot of the time you play new songs and the audience is like 'what is that? And which song, my favourite song, did you take out to put that in?' Anyway so we started to make the fifth album about 3 years after the fourth and y'know it took like a year to make the album and then we were waiting to release it until the next summer because it was really a summer album and we were planning a tour."

September 1984

Stevie sat in the back of the car anxiously the entire ride, she held onto Robin's little hand, stroking over the soft skin with her thumb absently. Her daughter was unusually quiet which made Stevie even more worried. Her heart was in her throat when Lindsey pulled up outside their destination and she undid both her's and Robin's seat belts.

Fighting back tears she pulled Robin onto her lap quickly and hugged her so tightly, the little girl was completely squashed. Stevie finally made herself release Robin and Lindsey opened the car door taking her from Stevie so they could both get out.

"Do you have your bag baby?" Lindsey asked the tiny doppelgänger of his wife that he held in his arms. She shook her head no and Stevie grabbed it from the car shakily. Lindsey put her down and Stevie gave her the little bag which she delicately put over her shoulder, looking forlornly at her parents.

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