A hand

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"There's my sweet boy!" Stevie said as she snuck up behind Luke in the kitchen, he was already scouring it for possible snacks.

"Hey Nana." He said lifting her up into the air to kiss her cheek and she held onto him tightly. She could never wrap her head around how her son and grandsons were so tall, she was tiny and Lindsey wasn't exactly a giant but Luke towered over both of them at 6"3, he was only 16 but extremely muscular and was easily mistaken for a full grown man.

He was about to keep looking through her cupboard when she pulled him away and made him sit at the kitchen table so she could kiss his face without fear of falling and he wrapped his arm around her waist. She let go and grabbed a banana muffin from their hiding place from Lindsey.

"How do you always know just what i want?" Luke asked in disbelief and gave her another kiss just as Lindsey came in.

"Nana knows everything. We've been through this." Lindsey said hugging his grandson.

"Can i have one too?" Lindsey asked kissing her hand.

"No we're having dinner soon." Stevie said crisply.

"But Luke is having one," He said like a little child and Luke bit back a chuckle at his grandfathers pleading tone.

"Luke is a growing boy." Stevie said matter of factly.

"So am i!" Lindsey said.

"The only thing that's growing is that belly of yours." Stevie said tickling Lindsey's stomach affectionately.

"Go on i've practically worked it off already making you-"

"-No." She cut him off quickly and gave him a banana. "If your hungry you can eat that."

"I'd rather eat you." He whispered.

"Later." She whispered back and pecked his lips with him grinning, it wasn't a no.

"So what's the news baby?" Stevie asked as she started peeling carrots and Lindsey sat down by Luke grumpily to eat his banana.

"Well i broke up with my girlfriend but i got my first job yesterday!" He said happily. Lindsey was right about his girlfriend, she barely cared when he told her it was over.

"You got a job?!" Stevie exclaimed dropping the carrot she was holding and rushing over to him, sitting on his lap and hugging him tight.
"Oh i'm so proud of you! Where are you working baby?" She kissed his cheek repeatedly and he grinned.

"Down at the golf club, i'm gonna be an instructor and teach little kids how to play." Luke explained.

"That's my boy!" Lindsey clapped him on the shoulder, he'd taken Luke out to play with him since he'd been little and he'd managed to turn his hobby into a job.

"Oh that's wonderful!" Stevie said. "You're so good with children honey, you'll be awesome at it."

"Thanks Nana," he laughed, she was always building her grandchildren up, making them believe they could do anything they put their minds to and her vote of confidence always made them feel better.

"What did Mom say?" Stevie asked as she went back to work on her carrots.

"She thinks it'll be good for me, to get some life experience." Luke answered and Lindsey nodded.

"It will son." Lindsey agreed.

"What was your first job Grandad?" Luke asked .

"I was in a rock band in San Francisco." Lindsey chuckled, you couldn't really call it a job although it was hard work.

NashvilleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora