A surprise appearance

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"Mommy are you okay?" Robin asked Stevie for what felt the millionth time that day to her.

"I'm fine baby." She said and suppressed a grunt of pain. She was sweating profusely, she knew she was in labour yet her water hadn't broken so there was nothing she could do but wait.
"Come on finish reading to me." Stevie said playfully as if Robin was trying to get out of it, which of course she was in part. Stevie tried her best to concentrate on the story until she couldn't any longer and a sharp pain caused her to cry out.

"That's it, i'm getting Daddy, you're not fine!" Robin said in a tone that let Stevie know she knew what was going on and wasn't going to listen to her reassurance.

"Okay but just tell him to come up here a minute," Stevie asked as she placed her hands on her huge bump and tried to relieve some of her discomfort while Robin ran off down to the basement studio to get Lindsey. Stevie had avoided getting him so far as she knew all he'd do was panic and start running around yelling about a baby bag, some things never change she'd thought chuckling to herself. Ooh but i'm definitely too old for this she moaned feeling a real contraction this time.

She slowly got up, grabbing onto the table to pull herself into a standing position and waddled over to the sink, reaching for a glass, she heard a crash then felt the warm liquid dripping onto her bare feet. Thank god for that now we can finally go to the hospital Stevie began to think but her thoughts were interrupted by a searing contraction that brought her to her knees. She fell to the kitchen floor on all fours and her body had the strongest urge to push that she couldn't fight it.

"Daddy! Daddy! Come quick!" Robin screeched as she ran into the studio completely ignoring Stevie's request not to alarm him.

"What?! What's the matter baby?" Lindsey asked instantly panicked.

"Mommy's in labour!"

They ran back up the stairs and when he couldn't see Stevie sitting at the table where Robin said she'd left her, his stress level hit the roof and he started screaming her name, searching desperately for her.

"Linds," Stevie croaked out as she finished a long push that stole her voice with the effort it took.

"Baby, Steph oh my god are you okay?!" Lindsey asked even more stressed as he followed her voice around the kitchen table and saw her hunched over on the floor.

"No-ahh- the baby's coming right now Lindsey. I need you not to freak out- ahhhh ohh- pull down my panties, her head is out, you have to ahhh catch her!" Stevie moaned desperately and after staring wide eyed at her for a split second he found his calm and did as she asked.

Pulling Stevie's panties down Lindsey could literally see his baby's head and he patted Stevie's ass "One more push baby!"

"I'M NOT A FUCKING COW LINDSEY GET YOUR HAND OFF MY ASS" Stevie screamed at him and he quickly removed his hand grimacing at his own stupidity.

"Sorry baby, come on Steph you're nearly there,"

She stopped making any sound as she began her last push, the pain leaving her as her baby did and Lindsey clasped the newborn gently in his arms, being extremely careful not to drop the baby. Stevie collapse to the floor in exhaustion and euphoria.

"Robin honey, can you run upstairs and get a blanket please and some towels." Lindsey said looking at all the blood on the floor.

Stevie immediately looked back behind her and saw her 9 year old standing there in shock.
"I'm fine baby, i just made a mess that's all. Go get the towels for Daddy okay?" Stevie reassured her and smiled brightly.

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