A phonecall

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Present day

Stevie jolted back from her memory of Lindsey's proposal she had just recounted, leaving out the more intimate details but smiling to herself at the thought of them.

"So that was the year i wrote Landslide and Rhiannon." She finished with a smile and Lindsey chuckled at her having brought it back to her songs as if nothing else had happened, after all the personal things she'd just talked about. He took her left hand with his right that had been resting on her waist and stroked her ring finger.

"How's that bigger diamond working out for you baby?" He said almost seductively.

"Oh, not too bad, considering i've been wearing it for the past 30 years." Stevie replied sarcastically rolling her eyes at his teasing.

"Her fingers swelled so much when she was pregnant with our youngest daughter, none of her rings ever fit right again because when the swelling went down, they were somehow smaller than they had been before." Lindsey explained to the interviewer and Stevie almost cracked up at how feminine he was being with his level of detail.
"So i took advantage of the situation and got her the engagement ring i'd wanted to get her in the beginning and she wore the original one on a chain around her neck until our eldest daughter got engaged and Stevie offered the ring to our son-in-law."

"He was getting so worked up about what ring to buy her, someone had to put him out of his misery." Stevie joked, she loved that her daughter wore her ring, she felt like she'd given her a piece of their love to keep her safe.

"So it's 1974 and you've just gotten engaged, what was happening with your music at this point, did Stevie tell you about the deal she'd made with her father?" The interviewer asked prompting Lindsey to answer, knowing she could sit back and let him talk. She'd never interviewed anyone as honest and open as both of the Buckingham's before.

"Well after finishing housesitting in Aspen," Lindsey started with a slight smirk at Stevie when he said the word finishing, "We went back to LA to finish our spec record. I stopped hanging out with a lot of the people i basically just smoked pot with before and we only had our really serious musician friends in the studio with us when we recorded. Waddy was a great help and so was Richard in helping me with the production on a lot of tracks. We cut Rhiannon that Stevie had wrote but we cut it with guitar because we didn't know any piano players. It was a great time creatively and everything came about very organically after i stopped using those kinds of substances that are supposed to be good for creativity but, i think in my case, they were an impediment to creativity and an impetuous for paranoia.
Stevie told me about what her dad had said and i agreed with him completely. I didn't want Stevie to be a waitress anymore either, so we worked real hard on our songs and hoped and prayed that if we could get another record deal this one would sell.
I was taking as many studio musician jobs as i could because i realised it was actually a great way to make industry connections and Stevie was working but not as many ridiculous hours. We didn't get married straight away because i wanted to make her a real bride, see her in the beautiful white dress surrounded by everyone we loved and take her on a real honeymoon. So we started saving and it was just coming around to 1975 and, it was new years eve actually, and i got this call out of the blue..."

New Years Eve 1974

"Steph come back to bed," Lindsey said, she'd forbidden him to get up as she wanted him to get over his cold as fast as possible. He was driving her crazy complaining about his sniffly nose and she knew rest could only help.

"I'm coming," She yelled exasperatedly from the kitchen, picking up their cups of tea.

"You will be in a minute." He said with a dirty smile as she walked into their bedroom.

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