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"Guys what are we gonna do without Jody?" Javier asked worriedly, his anger getting the best of him and entering his voice a little to as he paced back and forth.
"We'll get another girl singer, it's not the end of the world man." Bob said trying to calm him down, Lindsey and him had both seen it coming, Jody and Cal were going off to college and they couldn't be expected to stay in some highschool band, it was fine and Lindsey had already thought of the perfect replacement for Jody.

"Guys, i know this great girl singer, she has an amazing voice, we could give her a call, ask her to join." Lindsey offered, thinking that maybe something practical that they could do would help calm Javier down and he wanted to act fast before Bob suggested an open call.
"She's good?" Javier asked.
"She's great." Lindsey answered earnestly.
"Then what are we waiting for, lets give her a call!" Javier started excitedly "Linds have you got the number? Bob you call, it's your house."

Lindsey handed Bob a piece of paper with the number he had already looked up in the phonebook on it and smiled shrugging his shoulders.
"Okay then," Bob said smiling too and going to pick up the phone in the living room, he turned back to Lindsey.
"Who am i asking for?" He said dialling
"Stevie Nicks." Lindsey replied trying not to explode with glee at just her name.

He hadn't seen her in almost a year, but she had left her mark on him already, the sound of her voice that had harmonized so perfectly with his, had began to haunted him and he desperately needed to hear it again. He'd found out all he could about her the week after they'd met, he knew she was a year older than him, that she'd just transferred to menlo atherton, and that she wrote and sang, but she mostly remained an enigma to him and he'd spent a lot of nights wondering if it was her mystery that made her so interesting. He knew almost everything about his girlfriend Sally, maybe too much even, things were going great between them he thought, yet his mind kept returning to the memory of Stephanie Nicks kissing his cheek. Maybe once i get to know her, she'll be just like other girls, just like Sally Lindsey thought to himself, not really believing it even as he rationalised it, something deep down told him that could never be the case.

"Hi may i please speak to Stevie," Bob started politely when someone answered the phone.
"This is she," Stevie said and not recognising the voice on the other end of the line asked "Who's this?"

"I'm Bob Aquirre, i'm a drummer in a band called Fritz and we're looking for a girl singer and a very reliable source told me you're exactly what we need. Would you join our band?" He asked getting straight to the point and turning on the charm a little too much for Lindsey's liking.

"Well i'm real flattered that you'd ask without even hearing me sing, can i ask who your reliable source is?" Stevie asked softly down the phone and Lindsey cringed inwardly.

"It happens to be our bass player actually, Lindsey Buckingham." Bob answered and Stevie instantly smiled as the memory of singing with Lindsey flashed through her mind in a fiery sequence, somehow she hadn't been able to forget him.

"Can i just ask one more thing before i say yes?" Stevie asked
"Sure," Bob said.
"Well what kind of band is it?" Stevie questioned fingers crossed, silently praying.
"Stevie, this is San Francisco, it's a rock band." Bob replied with a smirk that she couldn't see but could sense anyway. She tried to suppress a massive screech of excitement and Bob asked again "So can you do it?"
"Yeah sure i can do it, i'd love to do it." Stevie replied and Bob gave the other band members the thumbs up.

"Great, rehearsal on Monday 5:30 at Lindsey's house." Bob said and waited for her to get a pad to write down the address, when he told her she giggled out loud "that's literally like three streets away from my house." She said explaining her laughter.
"Cool, you'll be on time then." Bob said already teasing Stevie.
"Don't count on it." She said giving as good as she got and hung up.

Lindsey had been straining his ears to hear her side of the conversation too and now he could barely wait for monday to roll around.
"Well if she sings anything like her speaking voice, it should be great man," Bob said and patted Lindsey on the back.
"Now all we need is a lead guitarist." Javier said and went back to his pacing.

Present day

"So what were you thinking when you got the call Stevie?" The interviewer asked after Lindsey had just finished telling her about him and the guys calling Stevie to join Fritz.

"Well i was kind of shocked, because it's not the kind of call you get everyday, but i was like totally excited. I'd been in a band when i lived in Arcadia and that was great, but like Lindsey said, this was San Francisco, so i was knocked out at the thought of joining a rock band, because that was probably the best time in rock n roll in San Francisco ever, it was probably the best time in music in that city period." Stevie answered and Lindsey nodded along with her.

He was still wrapped in his memory of their first band practice, her in a little mini dress and those platform boots that she hadn't taken off for 50 years smiling at him brightly and thanking him for the recommendation.

"We'll just take a short break." The interviewer said and Stevie nodded smiling as she got up to confer with her producer.

"Baby," Stevie said softly turning to rest her chin on Lindsey's shoulder, she couldn't be bothered to get up, this position was more than comfortable anyway. "What are you thinking about?" She asked knowing that slightly glazed over expression only too well.

"You in a mini skirt." Lindsey replied turning his head to make eye contact with her. She let out a throaty chuckle, and Lindsey couldn't stop himself from thinking how much he loved her dirty laugh.

"Can i steal another kiss?" He asked looking at her with a glint of desire in his blue eyes that she loved so much.

"You don't have to steal anything," Stevie whispered as she got closer, almost sitting in his lap. "My kisses are all yours." She said looking at him tenderly as he stroked her cheek and pressed their lips together ever so gently.

They were still kissing when the interviewer sat back down and the crew started making lighting adjustments above them.

"They're gonna think we're nuts by the end of the day," Stevie said giggling incredulously at themselves when they eventually broke the kiss.

"Now why is that Angel?" Lindsey said going back to his usual position of his arm wrapped around her waist.

"Because we're literally a pair of grandparents making out every chance we get." Stevie answered and Lindsey scoffed, grinning.

"Well i'll be damned if i can't kiss my beautiful wife in my own damn home just because we're grandparents." Lindsey said and kissed her again.

Regardless of what she had just said she didn't mind one bit. They had just celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary and she still marvelled at how much they wanted each other. At how naturally and freely the affection flowed between them even after all this time and she deepened the kiss she shared with the love of her life before gently pulling away.
"Ready to continue?" She asked the interviewer.

Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments, this is my first buckingham nicks piece and i was really nervous because everyone writes stories about them so beautifully. I'm very grateful for the feedback and hope you enjoy the rest of the story, it's set to be kind of a long one.

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