How i imagined

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"Lindsey stop it! No tickling!" Stevie squealed trying to squirm out of his grasp.
"Lindsey we're too old for this stop," she attempted to say sternly through giggles, making him smirk and tickle her more, he loved seeing her laugh uncontrollably and craved the slightly pink tinge to her cheeks that came with it.

"Lindsey you're such a child!" Stevie finally managed to grab his huge hands in her tiny one's.

"Oh come on Stephanie, i'm just lightening the mood."

"Baby the only thing you've done is make the mood like 90% more awkward."

"Well i'll just have to kiss you again and max it out to 100." He replied and lurched forward to capture her mouth with his as she cackled and wrapped her arms around him as he kissed her, laughing into his mouth.

"Will you please behave?" She pleaded and he stopped pestering her.

"Quick ask another question," Stevie joked and the interviewer laughed, she'd somehow adjusted to their antics.

"So you're sixth album, tell me about that."

"Well we made that about a year after our son was born and then we did a big tour and it all went according to plan that time." Stevie answered chuckling and delving back into her memory.


The last notes of Rhiannon rang out to thunderous applause that reminded Stevie of the first time she ever sang it to an audience, she could barely believe that it was more than 10 years since then, when she sang she was transported back to being that 20 year old girl watching Janis Joplin from the side of the stage. Lindsey told her everyday that she looked exactly the same as she did when he met her and how beautiful she was to him and almost every other man on the planet. And even after having two babies she did feel beautiful, especially when she saw the way her children looked at her, their adoration made her feel like a goddess, she felt most beautiful being their mother.

"Now we have a very special guest if y'all don't mind?" Stevie asked the audience who roared their approval. She turned around and held her hand out to her daughter who walked out from the side of the stage as the crowd screamed. Robin smiled and waved as she made her way over to her mother and Stevie grinned at her proudly. She took Robin's hand and bent over to give her a kiss, eliciting aww's from the audience.

There was a little mic stand set up next to Stevie's and she kneeled down next to Robin and spoke into it.
"This our daughter, Robin, if you have the new album you probably already know her, she made a little appearance on a song and she's going to sing it with us for the very first time tonight." The crowd once again yelled their approval.

"Ready baby?" Stevie whispered to Robin who nodded and grinned at her. Stevie was about to take her place when Robin stopped her.

"Mommy come here a minute," Robin asked and reached out for Stevie, brushing stray hair out of her face.

"What is it baby, am i a mess?" She asked laughing as Robin fixed her hair.

"No, you're perfect," Robin replied giving Stevie another kiss.

Stevie pulled her into a long hug once again, grinning the entire time before Lindsey caught her attention, taping his wrist where a watch would have been then putting his hands on his hips in mock exasperation, drawing loud laughter from the audience and guilty giggles from Robin and Stevie.

They did their new song and Robin's little voice harmonized perfectly with her parents. After that Stevie sang Landslide, picking her daughter up and holding her in her arms as she sang the words of doubt that we're no longer true.

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