Losing Robin

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Stevie woke to shrill cries but Lindsey was already getting up and whispering "I'll bring her to you." She smiled at her husbands eagerness to help and yawned, trying to wake herself up a little more.

She had read in a baby book that it was much easier to keep the baby in your bedroom with you for the first few weeks, as they were comforted by your presence and you could get them much faster that way. So Lindsey had built the crib in their bedroom banging around and cursing the writers of instructions as he did. The nursery was done in neutral cremes and whites but now they knew they had a beautiful little girl, Stevie would soon fill it with pink as well and when they were ready they would put the crib in the nursery too.

"Come on Princess, Daddies got you." Lindsey shushed the baby as he picked her up gently and handed her to Stevie who had sat up and turned the lamp on dimly.

"Hi angel," Stevie soothed "Are you hungry?" She said as she slipped her arm out of her pyjama top and held the baby softly to her breast where she quickly latched on. Stevie gazed at Robin's face mesmerised, as she fed her, stroking her silky smooth cheek with her fingers. She was completely enchanted by her daughter and tried to commit every detail of bonding moments like these to memory.

Lindsey lay down on his side of the bed staring tenderly up at Stevie and Robin, he already loved watching her nurse, she was so natural and he had thought she couldn't be more beautiful than she was when she was pregnant, but seeing her with his daughter in her arms proved him wrong. She took his breath away.

"Are you all full sweet girl?" She asked as the baby stopped suckling and felt her yawn widely against her her skin. "I'll take that as a yes," Stevie whispered chuckling softly.
"Will you burp for Mommy like a good girl?" Stevie said as she lifted her gently so her tiny head rested on Stevie's shoulder and she rubbed her back in small circles, easily eliciting a little burp from Robin.

"Oh you're such a good girl." Stevie murmured, turning her face to kiss the top of Robin's head and nuzzling her way down to kiss her plump cheek. Robin fell asleep almost instantly on her shoulder after being fed and Stevie got up very slowly not wanting to let her go yet but knowing she needed to sleep too. She placed her back into her crib, tucking a blanket over her and whispering that she loved her.

Lindsey had accidentally fallen asleep and Stevie watched his chest rise and fall steadily, his face so relaxed and content, she smiled broadly to herself as she realised for the first time that Robin had the exact same expression when she slept. She climbed back into bed and snuggled up to him, her upper body on top on his and her chin resting on his chest, she leant in and kissed his lips ever so gently. He wrapped his arm around her sleepily and returned a light kiss, opening one eye against the brightness.

"I love you." She whispered and kissed him again smiling at him tenderly and caressing his face.

"I love you more." Lindsey breathed as he kissed her cheek, then turned back to her waiting lips.

"Turn on your side baby, I want to cuddle with you." Stevie asked shyly and he instantly moved so they were both on their sides facing each other. He pulled her close, encircling her in his arms as she place an arm around his back and put her other hand on his chest, playing with the hair there. They lay nose to nose in the darkness both thinking that if this was a taste of what their life to come was like, they were the luckiest people in the world, and falling into a blissful slumber until Robin woke again.


Aunty Robin as she was now called by everyone because it had just gotten too confusing, had been in much better spirits since the baby was born and she even switched from lying in bed all day to resting on the couch, so she could be near Stevie and the baby, who had a taken an incredible liking to her aunty and would start crying if anyone other than Lindsey or Stevie tried to take her away from Robin.

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