Have fun part I

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"Thank you so much Chris," Stevie said as she helped Christine load what seemed like half her house into the back of the car.
"We really need this break, y'know and my parents are getting a little old to look after 3 kids for us, you're a lifesaver."

"What's 3 more? John's getting so excited, he's getting mick to bring his children over too so that he can 5 a side football matches." Christine laughed shaking her head, they had two of their own and she would've loved more if they'd have had time.

"Do i even want to know what that is?" Stevie asked laughing.

"Probably not love."

"I really do appreciate this though." Stevie thanked her again.

"Will you stop? It's no big deal and now you have to return the favour when we want to go away for a weekend of kinky sex." Christine replied devilishly.

"Christine!" Stevie spluttered and Christine burst out laughing at her friend blushing profusely.

"We all know what you're into, might i remind you you have very loose lips when you're drunk." Christine continued to tease.

"Hey, i'm still pretty tight for someone who's had four children." Stevie answered defensively.

"Oh my god. Stevie no. I don't want to know. I meant you talk a lot when you drink!" Christine said quickly.

"Oh my god! Why do you have to be so english! Talk like a normal person and I won't end up telling you about my vagina!" Stevie exclaimed in complete embarrassment, then looked at Christine and burst into laughter with her, shoving her friend, who had to grab onto the car to support herself she was laughing so much.

"What's so funny?" John asked as he came out with the last bag of toys the kids wanted to take.

"PTA meeting." Christine and Stevie said simultaneously, having worked out a code for when they were talking about their husbands and didn't want them to know.

"Oh that caroline is a fouf by the sounds of it." John commented and Lindsey's face contorted into a confused expression as he came out behind him.

"What the hell is a fouf?" Lindsey asked.

"A pussy, but nicer." John answered easily.

"What?" Lindsey said in dismay and Stevie giggled.

"Like a minge." Stevie tried to explain to him and John looked at her impressed.

"We'll make an english woman out of you yet Steves." John teased.

"Yeah," Stevie said catching Christine's eye and suppressing a giggle. "Don't teach any of my kids these words because Lindsey'll never even know they're cursing at him."

"I'm not that oblivious."

"That's debatable." Stevie retorted and Christine and John chuckled at their bickering.

"Right come on you two, get the kids so we can start playing football!" John said focusing on clearly the most important priorities.

Lindsey went back into the house to round up the kids as Stevie hugged Christine and John, thanking them again.

Lily and Sara launched themselves at their mother and she kneeled down to give them numerous hugs and kisses before getting them strapped in the backseat. Jess came and gave her a long hug, being literally taller than her at 10 years old, he stroked her hair just like Lindsey did as she rested her cheek on his shoulder.
"Be good okay? i love you." Stevie said.

"Mom relax, it's 2 days. Love you too, you fouf." He said grinning and her jaw dropped as John erupted into laughter and high fived him, before Stevie chased John around the car quickly and smacked him. "Asshole." She fumed at him.

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