Think about it

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Lindsey woke up the next morning having gotten the best night of sleep in his entire life. He gently pulled Stevie closer to him stroking the bare skin of her shoulder and gazing at her beautifully relaxed angelic face in awe. She loves me his heart skipped a beat at the thought. He settled back down not wanting to wake her and hoping when she did she wouldn't go and they could spend the whole sunday together.

A few hours later her eyelids fluttered open and she yawned brushing back her hair as she rested her chin on Lindsey's chest not fully conscious yet.
"Hey," he smiled seeing she was finally awake.
"Hey yourself," she replied sleepily, wriggling up to place a kiss on his lips.
"Mmm what time is it?"
"About 11." He said glancing at the clock on the nightstand.

"How about i make us breakfast?" Stevie said sitting up and turning to look at him "since we both know your culinary skills are limited."
She tried not to laugh when he pretended to be offended, making sad eyes at her, then laughing himself.
"I think that's best for all concerned angel."

She got out of bed completely naked and Lindsey stared at her thinking how lucky he was that she was already this comfortable with him.
"Stop staring at my ass." She said giggling.
"Stop showing it to me." He said his eyes still glued to her.
She rummaged in his chest of drawers pulling out a shirt and putting it on she set off to the kitchen. Lindsey suppressed a groan, sure she was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen as she winked at him on her way out wearing nothing but his shirt.

Soon she was bringing up omelettes and cups of tea that they ate in bed. She put on all her favourite old records from the collection that remained in Lindsey's room. Singing intermittently, making out and talking they both began to ask each other all the silly questions they could, Stevie did most of the talking but she managed to coax Lindsey into sharing too and she couldn't help but think how easy it was, them together. They spent most of the day doing this and when the sun went down they made love again, very slowly as the moon rose over the ocean, they were lost in what had up until the day before, been their dreamland.

Lindsey kissed her gently when he dropped her off at her apartment late that night. He didn't want to be without her for a second but they both had classes the next day.
"See you tomorrow Steph."
"Night baby." Stevie replied and pecked his cheek, walking into her building while she still had her resolve you need to leave him alone for 5 minutes she reminded herself you can't be this obsessed already.

When she got in Robin was waiting up for her.
"And just where the hell have you been?" Robin chastised her like a frustrated mom. She had a definite idea where Stevie'd been as she had secretly spied on them out the window and was a little surprised they hadn't heard her screech when she saw them kiss.

Stevie bit her lip. She'd told Robin about her developing feelings for Lindsey but she didn't know if it was too soon to tell people about them. Deciding Robin wasn't just people she lunged at her hugging her tightly.
"Don't be mad, okay? I was with Lindsey," she said sitting down cross legged next to her on the couch and taking her hand to play with. "He told me he loved me Robin. That he's in love with me and before i knew it we were kissing and i had said it back."

"Oh my god Stevie!" She shrieked.
"When? Where? Oh my god! Wait he said it first?! Oh my god!"
Stevie grinned at her best friends excitement and giggled, feeling so incredibly happy.

"Yes he did and i swear i nearly died." She told Robin the whole story from the Coffee plant right up until they went back to Lindsey's parents house and Stevie became a bit embarrassed to go on.

"And his parents were away?" Robin asked a naughty glint in her eyes urging her on for details.
"Yes, and i know it seems kind of soon but we, you know... we made love." Stevie said and all her embarrassment left her at the realisation that that is truly what they had done, showed each other that the extent of their love needed no words.

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