One for the road

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"It was a really difficult time in our lives." Stevie said truthfully.

"You know fear is not good for any relationship and it was very hard on our relationship. Stevie really was the one who made it possible for us to continue through that time, because she did have like 9 jobs by the end of it and thinking about it now, i'm ashamed that i let her do that for so long, because it couldn't have been easy." Lindsey looked at Stevie sincerely, and she had tears in her eyes.

She was already emotional from falling into her memory of the night their record was dropped and when Lindsey finished with "And i really don't thank her enough for doing that for us, because i could never have made it without her." she let the tears roll down face and he cupped her cheeks kissing her tenderly.

"I love you angel." He whispered resting his forehead against hers, noses touching. She smiled so brightly he thought his heart would explode.

Ever so briefly she flashed back to that time of fear and pain when the Lindsey of the beginning and the Lindsey that was her wonderful husband today had disappeared, and she thought she'd never have him again.


"Lindsey!" Stevie yelled coming through the door after yet another late shift and nearly tripping over the laundry basket she'd left for him to do.
When he didn't respond she kicked it out of the way in frustration. Making her way to the tiny living room in their apartment she found him stoned and sprawled on the floor with a few of the other guys. He jumped when he saw her not too high to know that he was in deep shit.

"Get the fuck out of my house." She said eyes flashing with anger to Lindsey's friends who quickly exited.

"Hey baby," Lindsey said trying to kiss her but she shoved him away.

"Don't baby me. Why haven't you done the laundry Lindsey?! I wouldn't have asked you if it wasn't important, i'm working double shifts this week and i literally don't have a second to do it and now i don't have any clean uniform wear! You just don't care about anyone other than yourself do you?!" She spoke with intensity but didn't shout and that terrified Lindsey because she was always screeching.

"I was gonna do it Steph, but then the guys came over and... I don't know time just got away from me." Lindsey tried to explain but only succeeded in making Stevie angrier.

"Some of us don't have the luxury of lying on the floor all day in a house that someone else pays for, eating food that someone else pays for, smoking pot and doing fuck all else." Stevie said furiously turning about to storm out.

"Wait baby let me make it up to you." Lindsey pleaded sinking to his knees, lifting up her dress and pulling down her panties in one rapid motion. His mouth was about to make contact with her when she pushed his head back and removed his hand from her thighs, pulling her panties back up.

"I'm on my period." She said quietly in response to his dejected look.
"If you want to make it up to me, you can go downstairs and actually do the laundry. I'm going to bed." She walked off leaving him on his knees.

He went and did as she asked, bringing it back upstairs he made sure to put her uniform on the heater hoping it would dry by the time she needed it. He went into the bedroom and not finding her there tried the kitchen.

"Thank you." She said seeing him come in, having actually got through to him for once.
"I'm sorry Steph." He said and wrapped his arms around her. Realising she was making a hot water bottle he rubbed her stomach.
"I thought you were on the pill baby." He asked gently not wanting to embarrass her.
"I can't afford it anymore." She said quietly. She pressed the hot water bottle to her stomach and Lindsey felt her relax a tiny bit.

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