Chapter 4 Part 2: The Last Picture Show

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                  - - - - RIVERDALE HIGH- - - -   The next day at school Jughead ,who is joined by Scott, is in the middle passing out flyers to students to come out on the last showing at the Twilight Drive-in

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                  - - - - RIVERDALE HIGH- - - -
The next day at school Jughead ,who is joined by Scott, is in the middle passing out flyers to students to come out on the last showing at the Twilight Drive-in. Archie joins the two to confront them on Betty's knowledge of him and Grundy.

Archie: How hard it would even be, for you two to give me a little heads-up?

Scott: In our defense, Betty was pressuring us. Would it make you feel better if I told you Jug was the first to break.

Jughead rolls his eyes with Scott's comment

Jughead: Look, I am, by nature, a conscientious objector. Not saying anything to either you or Betty, was the most moral, apathetic choice I could make.

Archie: But guys, She's not going to write about me and Grundy in the paper, is she?

Scott: Really? That's what you're worried about?

Jughead: Dude, seriously? Okay. Come on.

Jughead pulls Archie aside, Scott following them, so they could talk about this out of earshot from the rest of the student body.

Jughead: Think about what you're asking. If there was even an iota of a chance that something could hurt you in any way, Betty wouldn't do it.

Scott: Probably.

Archie: Oh, my God.

Jughead: He's kidding, you're kidding right?

Scott: Yes I'm kidding, But Archie in all seriousness. Maybe she has a point. What do you see happening with Grundy, long-term?

Jughead: What do you want?

Archie takes a moment to process what his two friends were asking. How long did he actually think this relationship was Grundy going to last?

Archie: I want to be with her. I don't know how, but I wanna hang on to what we have for as long as possible.

Scott looked in Archies eyes and saw how serious he was about this. He could see that Archie was truly in love with Grundy, no matter how weird and messed up he found it, their wasn't much he could do honestly beside just be a good friend and hold onto this secret.

Scott: Well, that's your decision Arch.

Jughead: Yup. I feel that. Trying to hold on to something a lot older than me, too.

Archie: Just... If Betty's gonna do anything crazy, can you please let me know so I can do something to stop it?

Scott: Don't worry, we'll do our best to contain Betty. Right Jug? (Scott giving Jughead a nod, to signify to "go along with this".)

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