Bonus 7| Hope Between Us

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My knees scraped against hard rocks and dirt as we came to a stop, with me trembling above Claire.

I opened my eyes and lifted my head to see we barely escaped death. Any further and we would have fallen to our bloody ends.

Brian's footsteps sounded as he ran towards us and sagged down. He pulled us farther away from the edge, now the three of us shaking like leaves.

"Why won't you let me go to him," Claire sobbed, thrashing half heartedly in my arms.

I flipped her on her back and held down her arms. I was sobbing along with her, my tears falling down on her cheeks. "This is not what he would've wanted. Claire, your life is precious. I'm sorry I left you all alone. But please don't do this."

"But I can't live like this. I killed him and I'm living a life he was supposed to have but he gave his up for me. And it was a waste. I-I have no desire to live. I don't have an ambition, my life is falling apart. I don't want to be a burden on anyone. Every single one of you has their life figured out except me. Just let me go to him."

"No, I will not. His sacrifice wasn't in vain. Please. You deserve to live. Don't do this. If you do this, all that happened seven years ago would be for nothing. Jake's death would be for nothing. You have to live."

"B-But I'm miserable like this. I've tried...for seven years I've tried to live for him but I can't do this, Brooke. I'm tired."

"Then you do it for yourself. Let him go. He would hate to see you still holding onto him. Forgive yourself and allow yourself to heal."

"It's not easy," she sat up, shrugging my hold. "I don't want to do that."

I pulled her towards me, holding her tightly. "It'll be all right, Claire. We'll get through this together."


I nodded into her shoulder. I felt a hand on my back and turned to see Brian holding us both. "It'll be difficult, Claire but it's going to be worth it. You have us. I'm sorry we made you feel lonely but we won't make the mistake again. I promise you. We're going to heal with you and help you," he said and ruffled her hair as she looked up at him with teary eyes.

Claire looked at the deadly drop in front of us with longing but she'd stopped struggling against me and it was more than I could've asked for that day.

I'd been a terrible friend to her and I'd regret what I did to her, why I was part of the reason she'd been driven to this point. I'd lost her before and I'd allowed it but this time I was not letting her go. There was a storm inside her and she wanted to get swept up by it but I was going to hold her tight even if it would hurt us both but if it meant she'd not be lost into the storm, it was worth it.

A battle was won today. Even if some part of Claire still wanted to jump, she had been convinced not to do it. And just that small moment of deliberation, that doubt of what they were about to do was perhaps not the best decision, that was all what was needed.

That was what could save someone's life. After all, everyone was going to pass away some day. And this gift of life was not something to throw away when things go awfully wrong. You just have to muster the strength, the will to keep going on, to bear it just a little longer, because there was always light at the end of the tunnel and if you don't believe that, just wait for it to find you, wait for as long as it takes until it finally finds you.

That is when the magic happens.

Four years later I came back to this story and I'm so happy to be back. This book was not something I was serious about writing when I first started it but it grew on me so much so I felt like giving it a proper end.

Despite Brian's promise ring, things can sometimes just go wrong and it's none of their fault so I wanted to show how a relationship can break and suffer even after dreamy promises but if you truly love each other in a non-toxic way then you will find your way to each other eventually.

I had left Claire's situation unclear before but I felt like giving her a proper ending, that even after so many years she still suffered but even when she thought ending her life was the way out of her misery, she still had some will to live or reasons like her family and friends.

I tried my best with Claire but I hope her story touched someone and helped them, even if a little bit.

Just hang in there! You can do it!


Thank you for reading these bonus chapters and thank you for all the reads, votes, comments, adds and lovely readers I'd gained over these four years.

This book is my first proper book which I actually finished and I've grown as a writer in these four years and see all the flaws it has but still love it regardless.

This book kickstarted my love for writing and it's thanks to this that I went on to write another book and now am fortunate enough to earn from my writing.

I love you guys and wish you all the best in life.

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