34| Shock Between Us

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34. Shock Between Us

"Sometimes addiction is disguised under attraction."


It had been four weeks. Four weeks since I broke up with Darren. A lot has happened within this short period. Firstly, Darren had changed. He was no longer the same Darren I knew. He was more quiet now. He didn't talk to me much but wasn't hostile or bitter to me as I had expected. We talked, but not as often as we used to. Things soon turned awkward if we had a conversation exceeding more than three minutes.

Secondly, Claire and Jake were dating. I was so shocked when they told me. They started dating a week ago. I thought it was too early for Claire to be in a relationship already when less than four weeks ago, she broke up with Jesse. Not that I didn't like them dating, it was just that I felt that this escalated too quickly. But nevertheless, I was happy to see Claire happy again.

And if you were wondering, no I was not dating Brian yet. I didn't know why, but we were still not dating. But I dif love him and we had kissed a few times. It was just that I thought I should wait till Darren adjusts to the situation.

Gemma and Brian had broken up too. Gemma threw a fit and almost punched him but then she told him to get lost. And I was right, she wasn't in love with Brian so she moved on from him pretty quickly. Now she was dating Blake, the football captain of our school who was a year older to her and who's party we attended. She no longer hung out with us, and neither did we wanted her to. I didn't know about the others, but I was the happiest when she left. I was a bit jealous of her as she was dating Brian at that time and was hanging out with our group just because Brian was with us.

Sam's flavor of the season was the blonde neighbor of his. Tyler was single. And Josh, well he came out of the closet. He revealed it to us right after my break up. He even admitted to having a small crush on Sam.

We were currently crowding our small table at the cafeteria. Everyone except Claire and Jake were at the table. They were probably sucking each others faces off in the janitor's closet, the hot spot for the school's playboys to get a quickie from the girls who kissed the ground they walked on.

Sam was presenting a camping trip before us. He wanted all of us to go. Some of us were hesitant but they agreed in the end. I had always loved camping and I was quite excited about the trip. We arranged to go camping next Saturday. While we discussed the plan, we heard a loud slap. We immediately whipped our head towards the source and my eyes almost bugged out of their sockets when I saw Claire glaring at Jesse.

"You want some more?" I heard her ask Jesse. Jesse's left cheek was red, so he was the one who got slapped. Internally, I was just cackling evilly. "I've had enough of you! You useless piece of shit, you were just using me all this time I was with you! I'm not stupid!" She shouted in his face and taking Jake's hand, she walked towards us.

We were all staring at her. All the other students were staring at Jesse. Jesse was staring at the floor. He finally moved and got out of the cafeteria.

I couldn't control my laugh anymore and a few strangled giggles left my lips. I quickly composed myself but ​my friends were already staring at me.

"Sorry," I said, coughing a few times to mask my laughs. "But that was brilliant Claire!"

Claire smiled at me, "I wish I could kill him."

"Sure, go ahead."


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