37| Loss Between Us

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37. Loss Between Us

"We don't know the true value of the things dear to us until we have lost them."


I woke up with a jolt. My whole body felt wet, I was sweating. I threw away the blanket I had draped myself with and sat up straight on my seat.

Reality finally sank in and I realized it was a dream. No, not a dream, It was the worst nightmare of my life. I took out the bottle of water Claire had in her bag and took a long gulp of it, not caring that the water ran down my neck and into my shirt. I calmed down my breathing and closed my eyes, massaging my temples.

This should never happen. Ever.

As if on cue, I heard hurried footsteps down the hallway, nearing me. My eyes snapped to the figure.

"What is it?" An alarmed voice asked someone. Please let this not be some sort of déjà vu!

"Emergency at Room 201! The patient is having a hard time breathing. Irregular heartbeats!" Another voice panicked.

"Send a nurse to Room 201!" The alarmed voice shouted back.

I quickly jumped to my feet and looked through the glass door at Brian. He was sleeping. I looked around confusedly, and back at him. He seemed to be breathing normally. The heart rate monitor was beeping regularly and at a rate which should be normal. Nothing looked wrong with him.

I saw the doctor walking towards me, to Brian's room. I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong, even though nothing seemed wrong to me; but before I could do so, the doctor hurried right past me and into the elevator. Why was he going there? He should have checked on Brian.

Then I recalled the other voice I heard earlier and the one I heard in my nightmare. The one in my nightmare said Room 301, which was Brian's; but here the other voice said Room 201, which was Jake's - WAIT, WHAT?


I shook Claire violently to wake her up. She instantly shot out of the chair and looked at me. "What happened?"

"Jake! We have to see him now!" I shouted at her, grabbing her collar and yanking her to her feet. I dragged her with me to the elevator and pressed the button to the second floor.

I ran out of the elevator, even before it barely opened and planted myself in front of the door. It really felt like déjà vu.

Claire rested her palms on the glass door, her breathing getting heavy as the doctor checked Jake's vitals and the heart rate monitor. What was happening? I think I had an idea.

The heart rate monitor was beeping faster than normal.

I saw the nurse filling an injector with some sort of a liquid. She gave it to the doctor who injected it in Jake's arm. That didn't have any effect as Jake's heart continued to beat fast. He was visibly breathing heavily but he still had his eyes closed.

I guessed Claire couldn't bear to see it anymore so she turned around, her  forehead covered in sweat and I could even hear her own heart beating fast.

I turned my gaze to Jake as he laid there, looking motionless and pale. He didn't seem to be breathing. The doctors and nurses worked on him for about what seemed like eternity but in reality was only a couple of minutes.

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