Chapter.1- Friends again?

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Ch. 1- Friends again?

*A couple of weeks before the Newborn army comes for Bella.*

* Friday*

On the outside, my life looks pretty damn perfect, but when in reality, it's the complete opposite. I've lost all my friends that I ever had. They ignore me completely. People think I go home to a perfect, loving, and caring father, but I don't. Instead, I go home to a very abusive so-called father, who blames me for all his mistakes and the death of my loving mother.

My mom was murdered by him, and the police just chalked it up as an accident. He covered it all up to make it look like she fell downstairs, but I was the one to heal the gunshot wound. He got me to help him cover it all up. I guess I'm just glad I can escape to my school even though it's sometimes not much better than the hell at home. At school, I appear to be a loner, I used to be in a group, though not for a while now.

I was friends with all of Sam's gang, or pack as they like to be called. I also used to be friends with Sam and Emily, but now I'm not so sure anymore. I pretty much grew up with them until they phased into Sam's loyal and obedient dogs. Yes, I know all about wolves and vampires. "How?" You ask , well you see, I'm a lone wolf that only the Cullens, and Billy Black know about.

I'm a pure white wolf, except my paws are black. I phased around the time that Jared did, but I kept myself hidden for the most part. I patrol around the reservation whenever the guys and Leah aren't on patrol, keeping out of their sight.

My own father doesn't even know that I phased due to his strong alcohol addiction. He wastes his life away drinking and abusing me. It's funny how my bruises are supposed to heal fast because I'm a wolf, but they just fade slowly and turn into scars instead. I almost always hide them with long sleeved clothes and make-up. Luckily, I can adjust my internal temperature to appear human.

During my before school routine, I think to myself, "Today is just like any other day," as I do every morning.

I hide my bruises today with my jeans, t-shirt and pullover sweater. I head downstairs and see my father passed out on the couch again, snoring as loud as a bear from the living room, beer bottles surrounding the couch. I quickly grab my bag off the hook by the door and head to school. I don't like to eat, so I just skip it. I would take my sweet ride of a car, but the school isn't that far away so I just walk to school. I arrive at the school early like usual, and I can make out the students gathering in their groups, gossiping and bragging to each other.

Sam's gang are all standing by Paul Lahote's black 1990 Mercedes Benz like always. I've always had the hugest crush on him with his hot looks and all but now would be best to ignore him and the rest of the gang due to the possibility of imprinting on him which I don't want to do. My mom always used to say that one of the guys would imprint on and that it would most likely be Paul. His temper is just like mine and we always got along great minus the very dangerous arguments. He's a bad-ass and a man whore and all but he's so damn hot.

I smile to myself as I walk past their tanned and well built bodies. With my super amazing hearing, I notice that they are talking about homework that they forgot to do, cars and their jobs ( aka patrol). As I look at them, laughing and joking together, I also notice that when Sam isn't around that Jacob is in control and the Alpha of the group but then again, Jake has more Alpha blood in him but he's not a true Alpha. It seems the pack has grown some. It started off with just Sam, Jared and Paul but now its Sam, Jared, Paul, Embry, Jacob, Quill, Leah, Seth, Collin and now Brady.

I finally past them and start making my way past the Jocks ( man whores/ players/ sport freaks) and cheerleaders ( slut/bitches). Just as I pass them and am a few feet away from them, Luke decides to talk to me.

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