Part 20: Hunter and Silbi Moments [UPDATED 1.0!]

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"Ah-choo!" Silbi sneezes and grabs a tissue to blow her nose.

"Oh, poor baby," said Dawn as she strokes Silbi's head and brushes her hair aside.

Silbi sits up on her bed in her pajamas with tissues everywhere and a glass of water by her bedside. There was also a tissue box and a trashcan filled to the brim with used tissues.

Emperor Belos spoke, "It's just the common mold, Dawn. She'll be better in the morning."

"Cupcake . . ." moaned Silbi sickly, who holds her gator doll and starts eating its tail.

"Don't eat that, Silbi," said Dawn and removes the toy from Silbi's mouth. "I hope so. Where's Hunter?"

"Getting Silbi her medicine," answered the emperor.

Hurried footsteps came up the stairs and suddenly Hunter kicks the door wide open. He rushes to Silbi's bedside while carrying a tray of soup, extra boxes of tissues, ice packs, a humidifier, another pillow, three water bottles, some witch version of an orange, and packets of medicine for colds and aches. Hunter pants heavily while Dawn and the emperor stare at him oddly.

"Okay! I've got everything! We're fully prepared for anything!" said Hunter and continues to pant heavily.

The two adults remain quiet and glance at each other while Silbi sneezes again.

She exclaims, "Froggy! Bibbit!"


Hunter was in his room studying his books when he heard a knock at his door. He quickly closes his book and goes to open his door. He finds Silbi standing outside his room with a toy in hand.

Hunter asks annoyed, "What are you doing here?"

"Bored," answered Silbi. "Play with me?"

Hunter rolls his eyes and replies, "I don't have time to play, kid. I have too much work to do. Go run along and play somewhere else."

Silbi pouts stubbornly when the red bird peeks out of the blankets and chirps at Silbi. The witchling squeals and dodges under Hunter inside. She exclaims, "Friend!"

"Hey! Don't just--! Get back here!" exclaimed Hunter and quickly shut his door.

Silbi scurries to Hunter's bed and climbs up to get the red bird. The cardinal chirps and flies over the bed while Silbi reaches her tiny arms for it. Hunter groans irritated; now Silbi knows about his palisman. The cardinal lands on Silbi's palms and gave her a friendly chirp. Silbi giggles and pets the cardinal's head.

"I knew I saw you!" said Silbi happily.

The cardinal chirps to Silbi, who nods her head understanding.

"Wait, you can understand him?" asked Hunter confused.

"Yeah!" replied Silbi. "Palismen friends!" 

Hunter had no idea what was going but let out a sigh and let Silbi stay in his room. He goes back to reading his book while Silbi plays with the cardinal and chats with him.

An hour later . . .

Hunter sits on his bed with Silbi on his lap and reads to her the history of wild magic. Silbi listens intrigued and hugs Hunter's Sprig doll while the cardinal sits on her lap comfortably.


One morning, Dawn had slept in after studying all night, so Hunter decides to make breakfast for her. He finally had some time before his next mission and quickly gets started in the kitchen. Silbi joins him but was sitting on her feeding chair and drinking from her bottle.

The little witchling watches the teen gather the ingredients and cooking utensils he needs to make the perfect breakfast. "Alright! Let's do this!"

"Goo!" cheered Silbi.

Ten minutes later . . .

"Back!! Back, you rotten disgrace of a meal!!" Hunter shouts as he carries Silbi in his arm while kicking the purple gooey tentacles that came from the oven. He kicks the tentacle back and kicks the oven door shut.

Hunter pants heavily while the kitchen was a complete mess. Plates of defeated food items lying all over the table and countertops and even Silbi's feeding chair were smashed in the process. Hunter sits up and lets go of Silbi, who coos sadly and rubs her growling stomach since she was expecting to have eggs. She grabs Hunter's sleeve and pulls it gently as he turns his attention to her.

Silbi said, "Tummy hungry."

Hunter pants and tries to catch his breath before standing up and taking Silbi's hand.

"We'll . . . We'll just pick up a to-go order. Also, let us never speak of this again."

"Goo." Silbi agrees.

(Maybe I'll update this chapter later when I think of more Hunter and Silbi moments. Enjoy!)


(Update! 3/24/22 from a Livestream I haven't seen but seen an animated clip and I cannot stop laughing. Here you go!)

"Lady Dawn! I have an important question for you," said Hunter.

Dawn was brushing Silbi's hair and turns back at the Golden Guard. "Okay. Go on."

Hunter asks, "What . . . is a pancake?"

Both Dawn and Silbi stare at Hunter strangely.

He further asks, "Is it a deadly weapon? Can it get rid of magic? Will it turn your organs inside out? What human madness is it this pancake?!"

Dawn holds back a snicker before bursting out laughing.

"Food!" chirped Silbi.

Hunter raises a brow at the girls while Dawn was unable to control herself.

"It's a breakfast meal!" Dawn laughs hard just barely able to say these words.

"W-what?" Hunter looks confused.

Dawn wipes her tears and tries to calm down. "It's light and fluffy, like cake, and you put syrup on it. Or butter or berries. It's just food, Hunter."

"Yummy for tummy," said Silbi and licks her lips hungrily.

Hunter stares at the girls and couldn't help but feel like this was anti-climatic. He asks, "S-So flapjack is just . . . food?"

Dawn giggles before adding, "I'll make you some one day. You'll love it."

Hunter falls to his knees totally lost while Silbi goes to pat his back.

"Mama, I think he's broken."

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