Part 31: Yulong, Silbi and Belos

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Days later, around the time Hunter leaves for Hexside for recruits . . .

"Aw! He's such a cutie!" commented Luz after meeting Yulong.

Yulong growls irritably when Luz fusses over him, so he switches positions on Dawn's neck with his rump facing Luz. His tail flicked Luz's face.

"Aw, he's cranky," said Dawn, who giggled.

"He's still so cute. Can't believe Bat Queen let you adopt a palisman," said Luz.

"Neither can I," said Dawn and nuzzles Yulong's head with her cheek and he back.

Dawn was out shopping for ingredients with Steve when Luz and her friends spot her.

"Where's Silbi? Is she training?" asked Willow.

"Yeah. She's out with Eberwolf on a small field trip," said Dawn.

They chat for a bit while Yulong sits comfortably on Dawn's shoulder. He then felt his owner go limp and suddenly loses consciousness.

"Dawn!!" Luz and Steve quickly catch Dawn while Steve had to let go of the groceries.

Yulong squirms and almost fell off before clinging to Dawn's shoulder sleeve.

Willow and Gus helped them while Gus asks, "Man, curses are persistent. Is there no way of curing Dawn of this curse?"

"I don't know," said Luz. "But she needs to get home."

"I'll take her back," said Steve as he lifts and carries Dawn in his arms.

Yulong sits on Dawn's stomach while Steve uses his magic to carry the groceries. Steve hurries back to the castle while Yulong wonders when his owner will wake up.


Steve placed Dawn on her bed in her room and let out a sigh. "Please wake up soon, Lady Dawn. Oh, I mean, empress."

Steve puts the groceries on a nearby table and Yulong goes to his pillow. His pillow was near Dawn's head while Yulong moans worriedly. Steve scratches Yulong's head and gives him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. She's fine and will be fine. We just gotta wait."

Steve leaves Dawn's room while Yulong let out a sigh. He decides to take a nap when he heard a clutter within the room. Yulong lifts its blue head and saw one of Silbi's dolls on the floor. Muk-Muk, Darius's abomination cat doll, had fallen off the toy chest. It sits on the floor raggedly before slightly twitching.

Yulong's pearly eyes widen as Muk-Muk sits himself up. It stares back at Yulong with that abomination face and waves its raggedy arm before a thick sewing needle stabs through his head. Yulong's squeaked while Muk-Muk turns around and sees Lila, the pretty doll from Belos.

Muk-Muk stands up and pulls the sewing needle off his head. The cat doll then runs away while the pretty doll chases after him. Yulong watches terrified at the dolls and goes to Dawn and nudges her to wake up. Of course, she couldn't due to her curse. Yulong turns back and sees the two dolls fighting.

Lila uses the sewing needle like a spear or sword and giggles when she corners Muk-Muk. The cat doll trembles and tries to find a way to escape. Yulong was confused by this but quickly knew what to do. The dragon palisman jumps off the bed as if flying heroically until he lands and slides off Silbi's little tea table clumsily. As he slides off Yulong rolls to the floor and crashes into Lila.

She yelps when Yulong's tail, which was heavy for a doll, sits on top of her back. Yulong blinks its beady eyes before glancing back and seeing he trapped Lila. He cheers.

Yulong takes the sewing needle away and takes Lila back into the toy chest. He tosses her in there and shuts it close and even grabs some of Dawn's books to place on top of the lid. Muk-Muk sits in the corner astonished while Yulong grabs him by the collar with his jaw.

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