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if i were to disappear

i could rest

at the expense of pain and suffering on those who care deeply about me

oh how badly i want to rest


people are tired of me complaining

they shouldn't have to deal with me

maybe if i were to rest it would be for the better

but i cant

i'm too afraid to sleep forever


everyone is struggling to meet their needs while growing up

it's worth praising really


do i still want to participate in this race

i could reach the finish line now if i wanted to


i believe some people are made to grow up to be amazing people

and some people who are made to just

never make it to old age

that's ok right?

perhaps it's destiny

that i'm close to sleeping forever


i was never kind to others

i have intense intrusive thoughts of how

some people deserve to die

some people deserve to live

this intoxicating mind that i have

is the reason why i should be gone

i'm a menace to society

what else could i offer

if i'm only a broken soul with a loud evil mind


i'm tired

i'm so sleepy

can i stay in bed forever

can i avoid people forever

can i rest



if this isn't depression then i don't know what is

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