Life brought me to you

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Childhood brought me to you
With the bright colours of the outside world
We never cared about
Because we ruled the world

Youth brought me to you
Years later with the dark shades of the outside world
We started to care since they're keeping us apart
We didn't rule the world, but I had control to lay my first kiss on that snowy day

Adulthood brought me to you
A decade passed with pitch black spots of the outside world
We intersected at the promised land as the blossoms showered
A mere glance towards you, I smiled, because you glanced too

I could have ran after you, but this our closure. We promised to watch the cherry blossoms and we did. This is our

                        Bittersweet ending

- We were 5 centimetres away, but the train was there in a second. It didn't matter, you looked back

Star-Crossed in Parallel LinesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang