Unforgiven Sins

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She was slipping off my fingertips

Slowly as if she didn't want me to notice she was

Slipping away from me

But she didn't realize that

I knew all along

Even the slightest movement

Because she meant everything

I would notice

If she was slipping away


In a blink of an eye

One glance at my empty hands

She vanished

As they trembled under the spotlight

I could have caught her in that

Split second

I could have caught her

She could still be here

Falling into the abyss

I stood there

While the fiery pit of hell devoured her

And my heart


I'm a bad liar...

I set her free


I shouldn't have...

I threw the key into the abyss

Along with her and my heart

And now

I'm left aching...

~plane rides induce creativity

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