Quotes That Bleed

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Many of these won't have sources, but just know none of them are mine.

"If I ever open my eyes, will I wake up in a different reality?"

"Sometimes, I feel like crying and honestly I don't know why."

"The realest people, don't have a lot of friends."

"Sometimes you hide your feelings from yourself too."

"Everybody deserves someone who makes them look forward to tomorrow."

"Sometimes even music isn't a way out anymore."

"I just want somebody who will never stop choosing me."

"I don't want to die or kill myself, I just want to disappear until I feel okay again."

"If you're searching for that one person that will change your life, take a look in the mirror."

"Isn't it sad how we've become so accommodated to the ruined world we live in, that seeing the beauty of it becomes a rarity?" -Shelter

"Sometimes the perfect person for you is who you least expect it to be."

"I want to sleep forever."

"I need a break from my own thoughts."

"One of the best things in life is seeing a smile on someone's face and knowing that you are the reason why it's there."

"I just want to be honest about my feelings without destroying everything."

"We don't need to be saved just yet, we're all looking for real love." -Scum's wish

"I hate the idea of lonely. And I hate the reality of attachment." -Reyna Biddy

"She read about people she could never be and adventures she would never have."

"Do fairies have tails? In fact, do fairies even exist? An eternal riddle, and eternal adventure. That's the story behind our guild's name... I hope everyone finds one. Something as irreplaceable to them as Fairy tail is to me. Something like these beloved friends." -Fairy tail

"A lessons without pain is meaningless
For you cannot gain anything
Without sacrificing something else in return
But once you have overcome it and made it your own
You will gain an irreplaceable Fullmetal heart."
-Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

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