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I allowed anyone to capture my heart

Anyone who had the interest to chase after me

Because I believed the person I'll fall in love with

Would be someone I would least expect


Leaving myself unguarded was never the issue

I knew finding love would be trial and error again and again

Dreaming that one day these relationship scenarios will finally

Come to life

I was forgetting the most important thing

It does not have to be

Like how it is in the movies

They don't need to chase after me first

I don't need to expect them to woo me

I lost track of the power I have inside

To control

To filter


As much as I wanted to give everyone the chance

I thought this mindset would be the best option

But it deteriorates you

Makes you feel empty

That only mere flings

Were what they were


It's okay to narrow down 

It's okay to have preferences

It's okay to not give the opportunity

Because if they really aren't my type

Then oh well


Some people are just better off as friends and seriously nothing else

Star-Crossed in Parallel LinesWhere stories live. Discover now