Only survivor ( Imaginaries #5 )

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside and bright sun rays glowing on my eyes. I flipped around in my bed, hoping I could still sleep in the remaining hours I still had. Assuming it was still morning.

I tried looking for my hugging pillow, but it was missing. I opened my eyes, realizing my bedsheets were a different colour. There I laid, on a bed, that wasn't mine. My eyes instantly widened as I sat up abruptly.

I wasn't in my room.

I was in a hospital room. No one was here. Not only that but, it seemed as if this hospital room hasn't been used in years. There were cracks everywhere and massive holes peering. I looked out the window, the sun illuminating onto my tired eyes.

I moved my head, checking my surroundings. No sign of anyone still here. I slowly got out of bed, somehow I was in my outside clothes.

I went over to the window and looked ahead. Pain struck me as I took in the scene of a dystopian land. It was a complete wasteland of broken buildings, moss growing, cars that were unusable from how old they were. The sun peered behind a building that acquired broken windows.

The birds that were chirping nearby, left to go find another place. My ears twitched as I basked in the silence I was hearing, it was terrifying. I ran out my room, my heart racing, hoping I'll find someone still here. The ceiling had a large hole as I could look up into the top floors, I couldn't see anyone.

The stairs were gone. I eyed the nearest thing I could jump down to, a piece of cement underneath the floor I was on.

I grabbed the floor with my hands as I hung my body over the hole and jumped down. The sound of me colliding with the cement, broke me to shivers as it was the only sound I was receiving. I ran out a huge hole, I'm sure it wasn't the exit.

A piece of paper flew across the dead streets. What was happening? Where did everyone go? Why am I the only one here?

Why does the world look like this?

Am I in a different time zone? Am I dreaming?

I inhaled deeply as my lips quivered. I ran, I don't know where, but I didn't want to stay here.

I continued to run for as long as my lungs could stand, still hoping for another person to be here and send a feeling of relief across my aching body.

It was deserted, no one was here. This city I was in, people abandoned this place for a reason. But, it doesn't seem like a natural disaster hit this city. More like, people left this city and no one was sustaining it anymore.

I wanted to leave. The desperation for me to leave this horrid place breaks me into a sprint. A sprint to escape. I ran past cracks on the grounds, jumped over walls, still waiting for someone to appear and tell me what's going on.

It felt I was running forever and nothing was changing. I abruptly stopped and my hands reached for my face. I was utterly alone. I was afraid.

I wanted this to end.

I fell into the state of extreme oblivion, I couldn't control my body anymore. I dropped onto the ground. I sobbed as loud as I could, so I could hear something at least. I felt so numb, I couldn't feel anymore emotions.

The wind broke me. I hugged myself. I closed my eyes. Was this the end of the world?

Am I really the only person still alive?

Why am I still alive?

Why am I the last person here?

-The fear of being alone, scares me

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