the world of anxiety

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a hyperactive mind

where i can't choose one thing to think about

except i try to juggle all one million thoughts

on a tightrope

and the person watching me

is me


anxiety stunts u

it ties you up to your bed

and squeezes tears out of you

breathing becomes a hard thing to do

when the only thing you want to do

is run


where is my happy place

where is it that i find peace

a place where my anxiety can cease to exist

a permanent relief

a sanctuary of nature and sunlight

accompanied with a breeze

that brushes my hair behind me

that caresses my cheek with a kiss


i'm repeatedly apologizing to everyone in my head

i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry

for what

sorry for you

sorry for me

sorry that you have to put up with me

sorry that i need you to stay in my life out of selfishness

sorry that i couldn't be a better person to you

sorry for all the worrying i've caused because i can't simply hide my anxiety


i want to run and leave it all but

i'm also too scared to leave it all

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