Tris Returns x 16

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C H A P T E R  S I X T E E N


Zoe and I decided to have breakfast together before work. And of course we decided to go to Shelley's because Zoe insisted and because she says it's the one place where she doesn't have to pay for food and drinks. Zoe and I made our way back to our table. Me holding a plate with a toasted ham, tomato and cheese toastie and a mango frappe, Zoe holding a plate with a chicken, avocado and cheese wrap and a fresh glass of watermelon juice.

We set our plates down onto the table and then take a seat. "So, I hear that you and Cain went out on a date last night." I looked up from my toastie. "What? How did you know?" I ask. She laughs, "My boyfriend is best friends with Cain. Boys gossip too."

I raise my eyebrows and mentally slap myself. How did I not think of that? "So," she pauses to chew a bit of the wrap, "How was it? Was it romantic? Where did he take you?" I take a sip out of my mango frappe. "It was good. Really good. It was cute and romantic and he got me these gorgeous flowers, I think they were called hertensias. And he took me to Charlie's for dinner."

"Oooooo," she says with a smirk on her face. "So did you kiss?" Zoe asked. I don't know what controlled my mind but a part of me thought of Zoe being Lauren's sister which means that if I tell her that Cain and I kissed, she'll probably tell Lauren and then she'll probably tell Tobias. Zoe = Lauren = Tobias = big no no. But this also made me wonder; why did I care about what Tobias thought about Cain. He's moved on and so has he... So why do I care so much about what he thinks?

I think back to the conversation Tobias and I had last night when he turned up at my door.  

"Tobias... Hi."

His dark brown eyes look into my blue-grey eyes. "Hi Tris. How are you?"

"Good.. I guess, how are you?"

"I'm good, great even." I don't believe him at all. It's quite obvious that he's not. He looks tired. Not oh I just worked five shifts, I'm tired. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. Dark circles lie under his eyes, and his skin is pale.

"So, uh what are you doing here?" I ask.

"I-I needed to see you," Tobias says.

"Why?" I whisper.

"I just wanted to," he says without breaking eye contact with me.

"Won't Christina be pissed off then?" I ask.

He laughs coldly, "I don't base my decisions off her."

"Tobias, I know I'm probably not in the best position to tell you this but if you're unhappy with your relationship with Christina, break up with her."

He sighs, "I-I can't. I just, I don't know, I guess I just wanted to talk to you." He then starts to turn and walk away before I grab onto his arm to pull him back.

His face is inches away from mine. "If you ever need to talk, you can talk to me."

Tobias smiles sadly. "Thanks Tris," he says before walking away.

I then realise that I've probably been staring out into space so I quickly blink and reply, "No nothing happened."

Zoe looks disappointed, "Oh well, maybe next time. You guys are cute."

I grin, "Thanks. So how long have you been dating Liam?" She puts the remaining half of her wrap back down onto her plate. "Hmm about three years." "Three years?!" I exclaim. Zoe smiles, "Yeah, three years. We've known each other since we were five. Cain, Liam and I have been best friends since we were all five years old. Liam and I didn't really know that we liked each other until initiation came rolling around but we needed to concentrate during initiation so we agreed to not get together until we both thought the time was right. But that didn't exactly go to plan. Liam met this girl called Natasha and they started dating. I tried to tell him so many times about how I felt but I didn't want to be the bitch who broke them up because everyone thought that they were destined to be together, I mean, they were perfect together – they never fought and they were so in love."

I continue to sip on my drink, fascinated by their story. "Keep going!"

Zoe laughs, "Hush child, let me catch my breath."

She takes a few sips of her juice before continuing her conversation.

"So anyway, one day Liam found out that the reason why they had been so perfect together was because Natasha wasn't really in love with him. She had been cheating on him for months. He was devastated. After that, Liam pushed everyone away. Everyone except for Cain and I. But he would always lash out at us whenever everything got to frustrating and eventually Cain got sick of it and gave up. But I stayed because I knew that I loved him and I guess a part of me knew that he loved me too. One day I decided to suck it up and tell him how I felt. I just showed up at his apartment and kissed him. When I pulled away I said "I love you. I always have." After a minute he didn't say anything so I got scared because I thought I just ruined our friendship. So as I turned around to leave he grabbed my hand, pulled me back around and kissed me. And then he said that he loved me too and I guess we've been dating ever since."

"Awwwwwwwww," I cooed. "That is the cutest story I have ever heard."

Zoe blushes, "hurry up and finish your food, we have to work in ten minutes."


We decided to bring Cain and Liam cappuccinos. We pushed open the door to Jo Kobe's and made our way towards them.

Cain stopped his conversion with Liam momentarily to kiss me on the cheek, "Hey," he says. "Hey, I got you a cappuccino." He grins, "Thanks."

We were about to have a cute moment before an unknown voice interrupted us. This voice made Cain frown, Zoe roll her eyes and Liam sigh.

"Where's my cappuccino?" the voice said.

Zoe turns to look at her, "We didn't get you one Erica."

I turned my head quickly to see Erica who happened to be Cain's ex-girlfriend. Well shit. This girl was gorgeous. She had long black hair that reached her hip with electric blue eyes. Her hair went well with her flawless pale skin. Despite the cold weather, she was wearing ripped black shorts with a studded black tank top. She wore thigh high black heels. She smirks when she sees me staring and probably gawking from her beauty. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Tris Prior."





Tris Returns (DISCONTINUED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ