Tris Returns x 35

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C H A P T E R   T H I R T Y – F O U R


I stare at Jasper as he raids his way through my pantry. This little motherf..

Tris rests her hand on my arm and my unease fades slightly. I can't believe that we're trusting this guy after everything he did. We're also going to help him defeat this boss but what if he turns on us? Tris and Caleb might be willing to trust her but me... no way. This guy isn't going to leave my line of vision.

I turn my head momentarily to look at Tris. "When are the others coming over," I ask.

"Uhh, seven I think," she replies.

Caleb awkwardly scoots towards the outer edge of the couch. Poor Caleb, third wheeling must suck.

Jasper's head pops out of the pantry for a moment. "Can I eat anything in this pantry?" he asks with a smug smile on his face.

I clench my jaw tightly, "Didn't you say one of the main reasons why you followed this boss around like a little lost puppy was because he gave you food?" I ask.

Jasper's smile quickly falls and he comes out of the pantry and sits in the remaining space on the couch between Caleb and I.

We all look at the clock tick anxiously, praying that it would hit seven already.

Finally, after an eternity, our prayers came true and the clock hit seven and right on time, the doorbell rang. I immediately sprung from the couch before anyone could beat me to it, "I'll get that."

I fling the door open and am instantaneously greeted with the faces of Cain, Emery, Rhys and Peter. Thankfully for both my pantry and Jasper's stomach, they held takeaway bags in their hand.

I offer a small smile at my guests, "Hey gang, about time you got here."

We then moved over to the kitchen table where we all took a seat and ate in silence. After dinner, we began the explanations.

Tris pointed at our 'guest'. "So guys, uhh, this is Jasper."

Everyone murmurs a quiet 'hey' or 'hello' before they turned their attention back to Tris.

"So why exactly is Jasper here?" Cain asks.

"Great question," I reply.

Tris gives an awkward smile, "Uh, Jasper, you can explain."

Jasper nods, "Okay well, the first thing you should know is that I work for a boss, who happens to my father and yours too," he says focusing his attention on Cain and Emery. 

Cain scoffs, "Wait what?" at the same time Emery says, "Yeah right." The Parker siblings give each other a look before sharply looking away. A silence settles amongst them. It becomes increasingly clear to everyone that they still haven't resolved their sibling issues. Rhys coughs awkwardly.

This silence only stays in the room for a minute before Cain breaks it, "Okay, so your father is mine. I'm pretty freaking sure that you're not my full brother otherwise mum would've told me." Jasper nods, "Yeah, I'm only your half brother." 

Emery looks at Jasper, "But how come we didn't know a single thing about you until now."

Jasper shrugs, "Growing up, I never knew my parents. My mother died when I was around nine and my father was never in my life. I never met him until a few weeks ago. Your little friend sitting there would know all about that." 

Emery whips around to look at Rhys, "What does he mean that you would know all about this?" 

Rhys sighs, "I was the one who informed him that the boss wanted to see him and I basically drugged him and uhh took him to the boss." 

"Wooooooow, okay, it's totally fine that you didn't tell me any of this," she snaps back. 

Peter rolls his eyes, "Can you guys have your little lovers quarrel later? I'm sure that Jasper's only gotten through the beginning of his story." 

Note to self: give Peter a high five later for being a MVP in this situation

Emery shoots him a glare before silencing herself, not before she untangles Rhys' arm from her shoulder. Rhys looks in the other direction and scoots further away from her. Awkward...

Jasper continues with his story, "So he contacted me and I blindly followed his orders which included burning down Charlie's apartment, throwing that rock through Cain's apartment and putting Christina in a coma."

I shake my head, he probably shouldn't of said it so bluntly especially since he was talking to the victims of his actions. 

Cain stands abruptly, "You little shit, are you kidding me? You could have killed Emery and Rhys and you've probably already killed Christina, she hasn't woken up and its been weeks!"

Tris sighs, "Cain, calm down, just let him explain." 

Cain grits his teeth together before forcing himself to sit down. He crosses his arms and glares at Jasper.

 Jasper gulps before continuing the saga that lead to this weird ass meeting. 

"Look, I'm not trying to play victim here or make any excuses for my actions but hear me out. I grew up on the streets or in between houses from people that I had spontaneously met because I didn't have an actual home or parents. Then suddenly, this man comes along and he's willing to try - he gave me a home of my own, clothes, food, money and all I had to do was follow a few orders." 

Emery's eyes softened slightly where as Cain's remained tough. "I still don't understand how you could blindly follow such extreme orders. Our apartment got burnt down with all of our belongings, did you not think about how much money it would take for us to rebuild it? How much money it would take to replace our belongings? Charlie and I already work full time plus we also have to pay for Emery's school fees and put food on the table. Charlie has his own business, do you know how much it costs to run your own business?" 

I nodded along with all these points. My eyes skimmed across to look at everyone at the table. Everyone was in silent agreement to what Cain was saying and it looks like no one was sticking up for Jasper. 

The poor guy did look like he was near tears and probably would've burst into tears if Tris hadn't of stepped in.

"Cain, I understand why you're angry, I am too but what matters is that Jasper's here and he's willing to change and help us. He knows what he did was wrong and he's willing to help us get the boss once and for all," she says to to everyone at the table. 

We all stay silent so she continues, "Look, we were all willing to forgive Rhys and look what he did. He kidnapped Emery and held her hostage for 3 days. If we were willing to forgive Rhys, I'm sure we can do the same for Jasper. My conscience says that we can trust him and usually, my judgement of people turn out right." 

I raise my eyebrow at her at the last statement but quickly glance else where when she shoots me a sharp glare. 

Peter coughs and everyone turns to him, "Alright well saying we trust this guy. What's our next move?" 

We all fall into a deep silence as we try to think of the next move before a phone ringing interrupts it. 

I reach into my pocket and answer the phone, "Hello? Four speaking." 

"Four? Tobias Eaton?" 

"Yes?" I reply to the female on the line.

"Hello Mr Eaton, I was just calling to say that your partner Christina has woken up."

I hang up and slide the phone back into my pocket and sigh. 

"What's wrong?" Tris asks.

"Christina's awake." 

Tris Returns (DISCONTINUED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum