Tris Returns x 31

531 19 7

C H A P T E R  T H I R T Y - O N E 


As soon as Peter saw me he basically scrambled away from Caleb. Both of them look flustered and obviously surprised and possibly a little embarrassed that I had seen them together like this. 

Caleb returned to his senses the fastest out of the three of us and offered me a cup of tea. I accepted and stepped into the apartment, fully closing the door behind me as I did. 

Peter and I made my way over to the table as Caleb went to the kitchen to make the tea. 

"Sooo," I start.

Peter raises his eyebrows, "Sooo," he mimics. 

"You and Caleb?" I ask, to which he replies, "You and Tobias?" 

I let out a small laugh as he gives a sideways smirk. 

"How long have you two been dating?" I ask.

Peter shrugs, "We're not really dating, I mean, it's not official or anything." 

I raise my eyebrows, "So you're just friends?" 

"Ehh, I guess?" he replies (questioning himself in a way). I smirk, "You seem quite cosy with Caleb, your friend." 

He rolls his eyes, "Okay, point taken. We've only been doing," he pauses and gestures between him and Caleb, "For a month or so. I'm just not sure if I want a relationship yet, considering the fact that I've never had one. But if he asked, I wouldn't exactly mind."

In that moment, it seemed as if pieces of a puzzle that I didn't even know were missing slipped into place. 

When we had first come to Dauntless, he had never shown any interest in girls. Everywhere we went girls flirted with him and he always seemed like he didn't care. When we were at the Bureau all these girls were flirting with him and yet he never took any notice. He and Caleb always seem to be hanging out with each other even though they haven't exactly been best friends. 

"So are you gay?" I ask, after a moment of silence.

"I don't know," he whispers, "Maybe." 

I nod, understanding how confusing this may be. "Well, I'm just a bit upset that you couldn't tell me about this, I mean, I'm your best friend." 

He sighs, "I wanted to, but you were busy." 

"Yeah, I know, but I would've made time for you." 

"Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry," he then adds, "Next time when I want to talk about my feelings for your brother who I'm not even sure is gay, I'll come straight to you with some cookies and tea and then we can rant about boy troubles," he finishes sarcastically. 

I slap his shoulder lightly, "I'm serious." 

He grins, "Okay, I will come talk to you in the future." 

"Thank you," I say in a sing song voice. 

I stand up from the chair and make my way towards the door. Peter furrows his brows, "Are you leaving already?" I grin, "Yeah, I'll see you later. Giving you guys some time together." 

Peter nods, "Hey Tris?" 

"Mhmm?" I reply.

"Just don't tell anyone, I'm not really ready to come out to anyone else." 

"Okay, I won't, promise. I'll see you later."

He nods, "Yeah, see you." 

I then close the door and make my way back to my apartment. 



Caleb finally returned with two cups of tea after Tris left. 

"You took an awfully long time, making this tea," I say before taking a sip.

He shrugs, "I knew that you two needed to talk. So, I let you guys talk."

I give him a small smile, "thanks." 

"How much of the conversation did you hear?" I ask nervously.

He shrugs, "Only snippets, how we're not official and you're not sure if I'm gay." 

I purse my lips. "Right." 

Caleb places his hand on top of mine which causes me to look up at him. 

"Look, I'm not sure if I'm gay, this is my first time, figuring this out, same as you but I do know that I like you. I definitely like you more than I like my friends," he says.

I raise my eyebrows, "Okay, and?" 

He takes a breath, "Peter Hayes, will you be my boyfriend?" 

I grin widely and pull him towards me. "As if you even have to ask," I say before pressing my lips against his. 



I sat down on the seat that was situated next to Chris' bed. She still hasn't woken up. Every time I come and see her, I can't help but wonder - is she ever going to wake up?

"Tris told me that she came to see you yesterday and that she's forgiven you. Chris, Tris' forgiveness, when you wake up, I want you to promise me that you won't waste this second chance. I can't forgive as easily as Tris but I'm willing to try, for her," I pause before saying the next part, knowing that she can hear me and what I say next could be fatal. "Tris and I are seeing each other again. I mean, not officially but I think I'm going to ask her soon." 

Thankfully, her heart didn't flat line like I expected it to.

I sat there for the next two hours, thinking deeply about the past.

My train of thought was interrupted when the door opened. A girl with long black hair which contrasted greatly with her pale skin. Her electric blue eyes looked me up and down, as if surveying me mentally. She wore a skin tight long sleeved, v neck t shirt with waist high skinny jeans and black combat boots. She had a black bag slung over her shoulder. I gulped as she made her way towards me. I looked up at the ceiling to avoid seeing the cleavage that was being bared in front of me and I mentally slapped myself for thinking about this when I had Tris. 

"Sorry to bother you, I didn't think that anyone who have been in here." 

"No, it's fine, I was just about to leave." 

She nods quickly before taking my hand, forcing a handshake out of me. Her grip was surprisingly strong. 

"Erica," she says. She raises her eyebrows as she wants for a reply from me. "Four." 

She smirks, "Nice to meet you. I'm sure I'll be seeing a lot more of you," she states before letting her eyes roam over my body.

"Sure?" I say before leaving the room, shaking my head. 



"Hey Chrissy," I say as I look down at her unconscious body. I sit down on the chair and put my feet up on her body.

I use the tip of my boot and nudge her face, "Oi, wake up." 

I laugh, "Oh, but you won't, not when I give you more of this." I shrug the bag off and reach inside for the syringe. I peer at the black tinted liquid. I moved her hair away from her neck and injected the serum into her. After every last drop of the serum has disappeared from the syringe, I move her hair back into place, covering her neck. 

Before I leave her room, I turn back.

"Oh and by the way Chris, boss says hi." 



Oooooo shittttt, Erica is working for the boss. Dun DUn DUNNNN 

I hope you guys liked this chapter. I added in a cute little Paleb scene and Tris and Peter finally got to talk :) 

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