Tris Returns x 02

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C H A P T E R  T W O

- tobias-

I stand there unable to believe what I was seeing with my own eyes. It was Tris... My Tris. How was this possible though? I saw her body, I felt her, she didn't have a heartbeat. Her body was ice cold. She died. I shake my head, I can't deal with this right now. She walks forward but I back away. I walk away, and as soon as shes out of sight I break into a sprint. I run until I eventually run into someone. I look up to see Zeke. 

"Four, what's wrong?", he asks.

I pant, "T-Tris, she's alive."

He stares at me like I'm an alien that belongs in a mental asylum, "That's impossible, she died three years ago.. We saw her body and we had made sure that she was actually dead."

"I saw her in the park, she was with Peter," I reply still recovering from shock. 

"Bro, I know that this is a hard day for you, but is it possible that you saw wrong?", he asks.

I shake my head, "No, It was definitely her, I just know it."

Zeke remains silent and I know that he doesn't believe me so I walk past him and begin to  walk back to my apartment.

As soon as I get back to my apartment, I walk into the bathroom and splash my face with cold water. Maybe I am imagining it... I mean it's possible that I'm just going insane. 

A few minutes later, Christina walks into the bathroom, her face is pale and her lips are quivering.

"Are you okay?" I ask her slowly. Her eyes fill with tears as she wraps her arms around my waist. I hesitate before slowly wrapping my arms around her petite body. From there we stay silent for a long time with her sobbing into my shirt and my chin resting on her head.


 I stand still as nothing seems to register to my brain. Tobias is with Christina and he just walked away from me. A few tears roll down my face as my knees buckle. Peter crouches down beside me, he reaches forward and wipes my tears away. "It's okay," he says as he pulls me into a hug. "It's not," I sob. "You saw his face, he just looked so crushed, and I don't know, he barely even looked at me. He probably hates me."

Peter grabs my shoulders, "Tris, stop freaking out and stop jumping to conclusions, you need to understand that he hasn't seen you in three years. He thought that you were dead, everyone did, he's just in shock and he definitely doesn't hate you." "I-I know...but still, It just.. To me it's like no time has passed and nothings changed" I whisper. 

He helps me to my feet and gives me a reassuring look, "Come on, let's go and reunite with our friends."

He guides me into the compound. I pause at the chasm, and stop to think about Al. I still felt guilty about his death, even after all these years. If I had forgiven him maybe he wouldn't have killed himself or I could have helped him if he had told me what was going on in his head. 

Just as we walk further into the compound someone bumps into me. I look up and see my brother, Caleb. 

His eyes widen as he reaches and holds my shoulders, "Tris?" he asks with disbelief. 

"Caleb," I respond slowly. 

"H-How are you still alive? You died..I don't understand...", he says. 

"I did die but the uhh Bureau somehow bought me back to life," I state. 

"Well, I'm glad that you're okay" Caleb says before hesitantly wrapping his arms around my waist and planting a kiss on my forehead. Instead of hugging him back, my arms stay limp by my side. Caleb quickly notices and coughs awkwardly before pulling away from me. 

He's grown taller and he looks much more mature. But once again, why was I surprised? It has been three years since I've seen anyway. 

Peter coughs and we both stare at him. "Sorry to break up this obviously awkward brother sister reunion but Tris we gotta go," he says. 

Caleb frowns, "Aren't you supposed to be nice now?," he asks.

Peter smirks, "Only when I want to be." 

The two make quick eye contact, skimming their eyes over one another before looking away. I wonder what that was about? 

Peter gives him a nod before placing his hand on the small of my back and guides me further into the compound.  

As we walk, I spot someone, a friend. "Zeke!" A tall man spins around and shoots me a wide grin before pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"You're alive!" he yells. 

"Y-yeah Zeke, surprise, now let go can't b-breathe," I choke. 

He chuckles, "Same ol' Tris. When Four said that you were still alive, I thought that he was kidding but hey, here you are."

Peter stands there awkwardly while Zeke and I quietly chat. 

Zeke clears his throat and shoves his hand towards Peter. "Hi, I'm Zeke."

Peter takes his hand and shakes it, "Yeah, I remember."

Zeke raises his eyebrows, "Didn't you take the memory serum?" 

Peter nods, "Yeah but something went wrong and my memories came back, unfortunately." 

Zeke stays silent for a moment before saying, "Well, just know that you're forgiven and you're always welcome in my books."

Peter looks shocked before muttering a quiet thanks. He turns his face away but not before I see the pink that's stained his cheeks. 

I smirk before turning back to Zeke. "We're here to stay and we kind of need some rooms to stay in. Got any?"

Zeke smiles, "Of course."

He leads us to two rooms near the dining hall, overlooking the chasm. The two rooms are joined together but separated by a door. They were pretty much big dorm rooms.

Zeke opened the doors and said, "I'll be back later with some spare clothes and toiletries, I hope this is good enough."

I hug Zeke once more, "This is awesome, thank you so much."

"No worries, if you need anything, just ask," he says before he leaves Peter and I alone. 

"What do you think?" Peter asks.

"I think this is great, it's fantastic actually. I'm so glad that he's still so chill about everything."

The 'dorm room' was more like multiple rooms connected into one. There was a bedroom with a single bed with plain white sheets in the middle of the room. Next to the bed on both sides were white wooden cabinet tables. On one of them was a lamp. There was also a chest of drawers sitting up against the wall. On the balcony, there was a little table with a few chairs. A perfect place to have a cup of tea. 

There was a small bathroom that connected to the bedroom. I walked through the doorway and found the kitchen. There was also a small living room that had a tv and a couch.

The only things that Peter and I bought were our backpacks. In mine was a black jumper that was Tobias', a black tank top, tight leather pants, a black waterproof jacket and black lace up boots. I also bought a wallet that contained a couple hundred dollars in it. I took out a photo of my family and placed it on the bedside table. I ran my fingertips over my mother and father's face. I miss them so much. The pain of their deaths never left me. 

I sighed as I looked down at what I was wearing. I was wearing a pair of black jeans that had splashes of white here and there from dust and grime due to a few days of travelling. I was also wearing a plain black t – shirt and a grey hoodie. On my feet sat a pair of dirty once white joggers. I sighed and pulled off the shoes and the hoodie before laying down on the bed. I hugged Tobias' jumper close to my body and sighed. His smell still lingered in the jumper. After all this time, I was finally home.

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