Tris Returns x 03

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C H A P T E R  T H R E E 


I have to face her sometime, I know I do. She's here to stay, I can't just keep avoiding her forever, plus I need answers, I thought to myself. I run up to Zeke, "Hey Zeke, do you know where Tris is staying?" I asked. 

He replies, "In room 44A, the first one near the dining hall, oh since you're going there can you please give these to her and peter?" he asks as he hands me 2 backpacks which I'm sure are filled with toiletries and clothes. "Oh I wasn't going there," I reply. Zeke raises his eyebrows, "Look man, you can't avoid her forever. Do yourself a favour and go talk to her." I sigh , knowing that he's right and make my way to room 44A. I knock on the door, pretty nervous considering I haven't seen or spoken to her in three years. "Come in," she answers. 

I push open the door to see Tris lying in her bed holding what looked like a jumper.

She looks startled as she realises that it was me, "T-Tobias", she stutters. She flushes red and sits upright, before stuffing the jumper under her pillow in a very un-subtle way. Her face flushes brighter as my eyes slowly skim over her. She looked slightly more mature but still as beautiful as ever. The last time that I had seen her, her short blonde hair had been in a bob. Her hair was now down to her hip and dyed a rich golden chestnut colour. Her grey-blue eyes were brighter than ever. 

I look down at the ground, "Hi."

"Hi," she replies back.

There's a long uncomfortable silence. 

I break the silence by handing her the 2 backpacks, "Here, um Zeke told me to give these to you and Peter." She reaches forward to grab the backpacks. Her hand skims mine as she grabs them and I ignore the fiery tingles that run up my arm. "Thanks," she replies shortly. 

"I should let you rest," I mutter as I begin to walk away. 

"Tobias," she says. God I love how my name rolls off her tongue. I turn around, "Yeah?" I ask while raising an eyebrow. 

"I'm sorry," she replies. 

I give her a small nod before turning and leaving. I close the door behind me and take a deep breath, refusing to let my emotions get to me. 

Someone taps me on the shoulder, I turn around to see Caleb. Even though it's been three years, I still can't trust him, not after all he did. A part of me can't forgive him for letting Tris go instead of him. He was the one who killed Tris for letting her take his place. There's still a bit of tension between us. We're not enemies but we're not friends either. Honestly, I barely talk to him. 

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Do you know where she's staying?" He asks.

"Who?" I ask.

Caleb narrowed his eyes, "Don't be stupid, you know who I'm talking about," he said. 

I sigh, "Room 44A."

"Thanks," he mutters before he walks over to Tris' room. 


This is ridiculous. 

I've literally been standing outside of her room for fifteen minutes. 

I sigh, raking my brain for what words to say. 

Finally I calm myself down enough to slowly knock on her door. 

"Come in," I hear Tris' muffled voice from inside the room. 

Tris Returns (DISCONTINUED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang