Tris Returns x 18

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C H A P T E R  E I G H T E E N


Cain and I were on our way to Tris Prior's room. Everyone talks about her in school. She's the divergent who cheated death. She also stopped the Bureau of their evil plans, which lead to her death. Cain knocked on her door a few times before a girl around the age of nineteen or twenty opened the door. Her chestnut-blonde hair reached her hip and her blue-grey eyes shone with kindness. She was wearing an oversized grey hoodie, black skinny jeans, ankle converse and a light grey beanie.

It only took me a moment to realize that she was the girl who worked at the store. She was girl that I was a bitch towards. Oh my god I was a bitch to Tris Prior.

Tris seemed to notice this as well but her kind expression didn't waver. She closed the door to her room and gave me a hug, "Hey Emery, I've heard heaps about you." "You have?" I ask, wondering whether she was being genuine or not. She grins, "Yeah, Cain talks about you all the time." Cain blushes when she says this, which makes Tris and I coo. Cain clears his throat, "Are you girls ready to go?" Tris and I share a grin, "Yeah, let's go."


 When we got to Greg's Dauntless Diner, Tris, Cain and I slid into the booth on the opposite side of Zoe and Liam.

A waitress with electric blue streaks (which stood out against her raven black hair) walked over to our booth. She was wearing a cute uniform that consisted of a white button up mini collar shirt, paired with a red and white checked shirt. On top of that was a white apron with a shiny nametag in the corner which read 'Cece'. She used to go to my school but I think she graduated a year ago.

She handed us our menus and poured us each a glass of water. "Hi my names Cece and I'll be your waitress for tonight. I'll let you skim your menus and when you're ready to order, just call me over." No one except for me notices the lingering glance she lays on Liam which makes me clench my jaw. Tris gave her a quick smile before muttering a quiet 'Thanks.'

"So have you guys been here before?" Tris asks while skimming the menu. That comment gets a snort out of Zoe. "Been here before? We practically live here and at Charlie's." Tris raises her eyebrows and then turns to Cain and I. "What about you guys?" Cain shrugs, "Yeah, I've been here a few times." Her gaze shifts to me. "Yeah, I usually come here." Cain raises his eyebrows at me. "After school?" I add nervously. He then sends me a look that means I'll talk to you about this later.

About five minutes later Cece returned to our table after Zoe called her over. "Hey, what can I get you guys?" She asks as soon as she got to the table. Liam was the first to order. "Uhh could I get chilli cheese fries, a double cheeseburger and a beer." Liam then turns to Zoe, "What about you babe?" Cece's smile falters a little when she hears him call her babe. But again no one notices except for me.

"I'll get a steak sandwich, regular fries and a beer please." Cece nods, scribbling down the order before turning to Cain. "I'll get barbeque ribs, chilli cheese fries, a cheeseburger and a beer, please and thank you." Cece's hand scribbles the order so quickly I'm concerned that her hand might snap off. She doesn't take her eyes off the order pad. "What about you?" she says directing her answer to Tris. "Uhh I'll get fries with gravy, a cheeseburger and ice tea." Tris then closes the menu before thanking Cece. "And what about you?" she asks me letting her pen leave the order pad before putting it back down to record my order. "I'll get fries, cream pasta and a beer." Cain shoots me a glare. I roll my eyes, "Make that an ice tea." Cain shoots me a cocky grin, "that's better baby sis."

Cece stops writing on the order pad and starts repeating our orders to double check. After we all nod she asks, "Would you guys like any appetisers?" Liam looks around at us, after seeing our nods, he orders garlic bread, a few salads and onion rings. Cece nods in approval before saying, "Your appetisers should be ready in five minutes."

When she leaves the table again, we all pick up our conversation from where we left it off. Cain leans over Tris. "What do you mean by you come here?" I sigh, "Sometimes when I skip school I come here, okay?" "No not okay," he hisses, "Why are you even skipping school? You told me that things were getting better." I roll my eyes. "Look, I know you're upset but can we have this conversation another time?" "No we can't! I'm working my ass off just so I can send you to school. I thought that you weren't skipping anymore."

Tris rests her hand on Cain's arm and he visibly relaxes. But just because he relaxed doesn't mean that I have. "I need to a minute." Tris quickly responded by pushing Cain out of the booth. She then gets out to let me get out. I push past them and walk out the door. I sigh and sit down on the pavement outside the diner door. The cold wind whips my face, leaving a faint sting behind. I shiver and tuck my knees up and rest my chin on it.

I suddenly feel a shiver run down my spine and through my body. Someone's watching me.

But after a minute or two the feeling goes away and I'm there by myself again.

I pull my phone from my pocket and text Cain.

Sorry, decided to leave. Need to blow off steam. Talk later. I promise. 

I then slide my phone back into my pocket and start to walk home. Tonight the dark alleyways seem a heap dodgier than they usually do. I decide to laugh it off, I mean usually I walk these alleyways by myself and nothing happens. Dauntless is safe. I take a deep breath before walking into the alleyway. The only light in this alleyway came from the light, illuminating from the diner sign. As I walked further into the alleyway, the less light there was.

I shiver a bit more, goose bumps are now rising on my skin. The feeling suddenly makes another appearance. I don't dare to breathe. I slowly turn around, suddenly paralysed with fear. I can't move.

I voice comes from behind me as I feel a hand on my waist. "What a shame." The deep voice whispers in my ear. "What a shame I'm kidnapping you. I totally would've wanted to take you out on a date." My body unfreezes from its paralysed state. I kick him in the shin. He lets out a groan before collapsing onto the ground. I make my run for it but I'm stopped a few seconds later when the attackers hand snakes out and grabs me by the foot. I scream as he drags me by the leg, back into his grasp.

He shoves me roughly against the alley wall. I can't see much in this light but from what I can tell he's a boy, I assume that he is probably around my age. His hoodie covers most of his face. All I can see is the bottom half of his nose and mouth. "Stop struggling. You're making this harder than it has to me." By now I can't stop my body from trembling. "P-please, don't do this." A tear escapes from the corner of my eye. It slowly rolls down my face. "I can give you money." My attacker lets out a laugh, "Sweetheart, from the looks of it you're about fifteen. How much money could a fifteen year old offer me?" I open my mouth to answer but no words come out. "I'm sorry I really don't want to do this," he adds. "Then don't." He sighs, "I'm sorry, I have to."

"What are yo-" I don't get to finish my sentence. He slaps a wet cloth over my nose and mouth. I thrash my arms and legs around trying to get away from him. He groans as one of my arms made contact with his face but still he holds on with his deadly grip. I feel my body going limp and my vision turning blurry. The last thing I see before blacking out is the faint light illuminating from the diner sign that lay a few mere metres away from my brother.



Sorry for the patchy chapter guys, I haven't edited it yet. I've also had a massive writers block and it's the holidays so I've spent most of the holidays in bed... doing absolutely nothing. Soooo sorry for not updating for so long!

But dun dun dun..... Emery got kidnapped. Who do you guys think she was kidnapped by?

I'll update again soon :) 

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