Tris Returns x 24

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C H A P T E R  T W E N T Y – F O U R


My hands shook lightly as I lifted it to knock on Tobias' apartment door. I haven't been anywhere near here in months. I haven't been here since Christina chased me away...

That's when I decide to swallow my fear and knock loudly, three times.

I waited for a minute as I heard footsteps coming from the inside of the apartment. After a second or two, the door swung open and Tobias' face appeared.

His mouth opened in shock as he stood there staring at me. He cleared his throat before saying, "Uh, Tris hi." I gave him a small smile, "Hi."

He leant the broom that he was holding against the wall, "Uh, I was cleaning the apartment, you know... After Christina." I nod, as my eyes scan the room, well what I could see of the room from the doorway. I saw a smashed vase near the table with flowers and dirt scattered everywhere.

"Come in, I guess," he says opening the door wider.

"Thanks," I reply shortly before stepping into the apartment.

We make our way to our couch and sit down. "Do you want something to drink?" "Uhh, no it's okay."

"Okay," he says before folding his hands in his lap.

"So, I guess I came here to talk to you. After talking to my consultants, and lots of pressuring, it seemed like it was time."

Tobias raises an eyebrow, "Your consultants? Who might they be?"

I let out a little laugh, "Zoe and Emery."

He rubs his chin, "Hmm very wise consultants."

I let out another laugh before talking again, "So, what's going on with you and Christina?"

He frowns slightly, "Well she moved everything out last night and well as you can see," he pointed to the smashed vase in the corner, "she didn't really accept it. Obviously."

I nod and let him continue, "We still haven't broken up but I'm going to break up with her because I can't continue this. I can't stay with someone like her, I mean, who would do something like this? You guys used to be best friends and now... She's just crazy."

I let out a bitter laugh, "Yeah, it's hard to remember when we were best friends. It was only three years ago."

Tobias nods, "When you died..." he takes a shaky breath, "I could tell that Christina lost a massive piece of her. She had already lost Will and Al so there wasn't much left. But, we all lost a piece of ourselves. I just didn't know that she would turn out like this."

I sigh, "I'm sorry I put you guys through that. I would have gotten in contact but the Bureau threatened me. They said that during those three years of testing and studying if I tried to escape or get into contact with you guys, they would kill me."

Tobias' jaw tightens slightly, "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

I shrug, "It is what it is and at least I wasn't alone, I had Peter."

Tobias nods, "How is Peter, I haven't seen or talked to him in ages."

I sigh and shake my head, "I don't really know. I haven't really talked to him either."

Tobias nods again, "How are you doing though, with the whole Cain and Christina team up thing?"

I look down at my knees. "I- I don't know what to think. I thought that she was still my friend after all of this but I guess not and well, Cain. I was really falling for him, I thought he was the one or at least could have been. How are you? With everything?"

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