Tris Returns x 34

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C H A P T E R  T H I R T Y – F O U R


Tris and Caleb look just as surprised as I was when I found out that the boss was my father.

Tris is the first one to react to the news, "Wait, what the hell do you mean that he's your father?"

I sigh as I continue on with the story. "So as I was saying, I was struggling and then one day this little kid around the age of fifteen-"

Tris abruptly cuts me off, "Wait, what did this kid look like?"

I sigh, "Black hair, pale skin, freckles and I'm pretty sure he had blue eyes. Why? Do you know him?"

Tris nods slowly and scoots closer to me before gesturing for me to continue the story.

"So anyway, this kid, out of the blue one day, approached me and just said that the boss wanted to see me. Of course, I think this kid is crazy so I turn to leave. I feel a sharpness in the neck, I black out and then when I wake, I find myself in some random hidden room with some middle aged guy standing over me."

Caleb and Tris look at each other quickly before turning back to me.

I decide to continue on with the story anyway, "So naturally, the first thing I do is freak out and start squirming, oh yeah, I forgot to mention that at this point I was tied to a chair. So anyway, I'm freaking out and this old guy just tells me to shut up and he says that he knows all about me and he's willing to give me a place to stay and food et cetera. So of course, I question how he knows me about me and he just says, "I'm your father." And that was basically how I got recruited."

Tris raises her eyebrow and analyses my face trying to determine whether I'm lying or not.

Caleb awkwardly raises his hand and now it's my turn to raise my eyebrow. "Yes?" I ask. He quickly puts his hand down and asks, "What tasks have you done since then? I mean, apart from putting Christina in a coma."

I clear my throat awkwardly, "Umm, I may or may not have thrown a brick through a window at some place in Abgnegation."

Tris sighs, "Did you also burn down an apartment?"

I bite my lip, "Yes?"

Tris puts her face in her hands. "Holy crap, no offense but how are you so dumb? Like why actually not even why, how did you do all of this without questioning him or even thinking about the consequences, don't you know that people could have gotten hurt because of you? Did you even care?"

I sigh, "Yes, I know that it was super stupid of me but like I said, I never had parents and this guy was the first adult who had shown me kindness, he gave me a home and food and money and all I had to know was do was take a few orders from him. I was so blinded by what he was giving me and the fact that I felt like I belonged for once in my life that I didn't even think about the consequences. But I'm here now because I've come to my sense and I want to own up to what I did and to help you guys defeat him."

Tris' eyes narrow, "How do we know that this isn't a trick and that you're not trying to catch us or whatever."

"Because, my father's plot has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with Cain though."

This statement from me happens to pique her interest. "What do you mean it has to do with Cain?"

I roll my eyes because I know that here comes the complicated part of the story. "Because Cain is my brother. Well half-brother anyway."


"Because Cain is my brother. Well half-brother anyway," Jasper states matter of factly. I blink a few times after he says this to try and process the news. I open up my mouth to respond but Caleb speaks before I get the chance to, "Wait a second, what the hell did you just say?!"

Before Jasper can respond, the door opens and Tobias steps in. "Hey babe, I bought some food and what the hell, who is this guy and why is he here?"

I sigh, "This is Jasper. Cain's half- brother who works for the boss who is his dad. He also burnt down Charlie's apartment, threw the brick into Cain's house and he was also the one who put Christina into this coma."

Tobias blinks, hands me the bag of food and then proceeds to sit beside me. "So, why haven't we knocked this guy out yet?"

Jasper holds his hands up in a 'I surrender' motion, "Hey! I'm right here, ya know!"

Tobias shrugs and proceeds to unwrap a burger, biting into it moments later. I mirror his movements, biting into a burger of my own.

"So why is your father after Cain? What did he do to him to deserve this?" I ask, through the bites of the burger.

Jasper shrugs, "That's why I'm here. When he told me why, I just didn't understand and I knew that he had to be stopped before this all goes too far."

Tobias rolls his eyes, "Oh yeah because putting someone into a coma, burning an apartment down and chucking a brick through a stranger's house wasn't going too far."

I nudge him sharply in the ribs and shoot him a warning look.

He shoots back a 'ok I'll stop' look before unwrapping another burger.

"Okay, I deserved that but I'm here to try to fix things," Jasper says.

"Yeah okay, we'll give you that. So tell us why exactly he's after Cain," Caleb says.

Jasper nods, "Right, so he's after Cain because Cain is his son, and his mother left him with Cain and his siblings and he's wanted vengeance ever since that night."

"But why target Christina?" I ask slowly.

"Because the spy caught them together and it was thought that they were together and the boss wanted to target anyone close to Cain," Jasper continued.

"But why does it sound like he's targeting Cain specifically? I mean there are three siblings," I question.

Jasper shrugs, "I mean maybe he was their mother's favourite? But I mean, he isn't really targeting just Cain when you think about it. He did target Emery too and her little boyfriend."

Caleb sighs, "I mean you could be lying about this but probably not because it's all too creepy to be made up. Like it's weird how you know so much about all of us without actually knowing us.."

I nod in agreement, "That's true."

I pull out my phone and send a text to the group conversation calling a meeting at Tobias' apartment tonight. "We're having a meeting with everyone tonight so we can discuss what to do."

Jasper nods, "Yeah cool, text me the address and I'll be there."

We all stare at him and an awkward silence fills the room. Tobias is the only one willing to tell him what we're really thinking. "Dude, listen... After telling that to us, we can't just let you go."

Jasper opens his mouth then closes it again, "I guess you're right. But if you're not going to let me go, can I at least have a burger? I'm starving."

We all stare at him again but this time with bursts of laughter coming from everyone.

Even though Jasper did some messed up stuff, my instinct tells me that we can trust him.

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