Tris Returns x 32

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C H A P T E R  T H I R T Y - T W O


As I walked towards Jo Kobe's, I saw that Cain was already inside of the shop, sitting on the couch. He appeared to be in a deep train of thought. It was just going to me and Cain today, as it's Monday. 

I pushed open the doors and walked into the shop. He didn't realise I had come into the shop until I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Hey," I say quietly. He gives me a minute smile, "Hey." 

His blonde, brown hair sat tousled on the top of his head and his green grey eyes looked tired and diminished. He looked extremely sleep deprived. 

I sat down onto the couch next to him, "Are you okay?" I ask after a long period of silence. 

He nods slowly as he drags his hand through his hair. "I'm fine," I roll my eyes, "You're obviously not. Tell me what's wrong because I don't feel like working a whole day with some grumpy fella who won't admit that he's not okay." 

He mumbles something under his breath before reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a piece of crumpled paper and handed it to me. 

I unfolded the paper and began to read what looked like a poem. 

Roses are Red,

Violets are Blue,

I see that you're in bed.

By the time that this is read, 

Some red will have already been spread,

So sweet dreams dear Cain.

Watch your back if you don't wish to be slain. 

My eyes scanned over the poem once more.

"Well, that's intense," I say before handing the paper back to him. "Yeah, tell me about it." 

"When did you get this?" I ask. He sighs, "A few days ago. I was in Abnegation and the glass on my balcony door was broken with a brick with this note." 

"Well, judging by the lipstick stain, I'm pretty sure we're looking for a woman here," I add, "Any Ideas?" 

He rubs his chin, "I don't know but maybe Erica? I mean she's always held a grudge against me for breaking up with her." 

I sigh, "Sure, she might hold a grudge but come on.. She wouldn't take it that far would she?"

He nods in agreement, "Yeah, I guess not but who else could it be?"

"Dude, I don't know but whoever it is, you probably screwed up big time. Like seriously, no normal person is bothered to do this unless they really hated your guts."

He closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose, "Well, I screwed up," he opens his eyes and looks at me, "It's not you is it?" he says cautiously. I reply with a glare. He raises his hands up in a motion of surrender, "Hey, I was joking." I huff, "Not funny." 

"You know what?" Cain begins. "What?" I reply, raising an eyebrow. "Talking about all this poem shit is depressing. Let's talk about something else." I snort, "Sure, what would you like to talk about Cainy?" 

His brows furrow at the name Cainy. Nevertheless, he continues. "Okay, talk to me about," he pauses to tap his chin, mockingly thinking, "Four."

"What about Four?" I respond innocently looking down at my nails.

"Are you two back together?" I look up and see hidden emotion flash behind his eyes before disappearing again. I decide to ignore it in order to keep the conversation flowing. "Dude," I saw and give him a pointed look. "What?" He asks with his arms making a 'w' gesture. "Do you not see how weird this conversation is? You my ex, are asking about my current love interest." He shrugs, "Well, we're friends aren't we?"

I pause, "Well...." I almost burst out laughing seeing the panicked look on his face. "Just kidding, of course we are." Now it was his turn to give me a glare, "Not funny." 

I stuck my tongue out at him and then pushed myself off the couch to flip the closed sign to open.


My eyes slowly flickered open and I slowly groaned when I realised that it was Monday. Monday meant work. I peered over and saw that Caleb was still sleeping. For the past week or so, I had been staying over at his place. He was really distraught about the whole thing with Christina being in a coma. I stayed for a minute longer in bed watching his chest rise and fall. 

Oh God, that's so creepy. What the hell is wrong with me. Watching his chest rise and fall god I sound like a teenage girl. Peter SNAP OUT OF IT.

I rolled out of bed and crept down the hall to the bathroom where I had a quick shower, washed my face and brushed my hair. I pulled on my black servers outfit and headed towards the kitchen. 

I checked my phone and saw that it was 9:00 am. I still had an hour before I had to go to work. I then decided that I would make breakfast. I toasted four slices of toast and fried some eggs and bacon. I then evenly distributed the food onto two plates and set them on the table. Just in time.

Caleb appeared seconds later, still in his pyjamas, rubbing his eyes. "Hey," he said softly before letting out a yawn. I laughed, "Someones tired," he nods, not even bothering to deny it. "Drink?" I ask, even though I know he'll ask for a coffee. "Coffee please." See, I know him. I hand him the coffee that I had made moments before. He blinked a few times before accepting the coffee, "Are you a magician or something?" I winked, "Perhaps."

He slid into the seat across from mine and dug into his breakfast, as did I. "What are you doing today?" Caleb asks while chewing on a piece of bacon. "I've got work today, you?" He shrugs, "I might go visit Christina." "Again?" I ask. "Yeah, is that a problem?" "Not at all but I'm just a bit worried about your mental state. It can't be healthy for you to keep on going down to the infirmary 24/7. Plus you've hardly gotten any sleep." "I did get sleep," he replies. I sigh, "No you didn't. You were tossing and turning during the night, I felt you get up from bed at least twice and your dark circles are massive." He stared at me before grinning while shaking his head, "Far out, you know everything." "About you? Yep," I shoot him a wink and watch with amusement when I see a blush rising onto his cheeks. 

I finished my meal and took my plate over to the sink. "What time is it?" Caleb asked. "9:45," I reply. "Is it time for you to go to work?" Caleb asks. I nod before giving him a swift kiss on the forehead, "Get some sleep, okay?" He nods looking deep in thought, "Yeah, see you later." 


When I got to the outside of Christina's hospital room, I noticed Erica sitting in the visitors chair. As soon as she saw me standing there, she grabbed her backpack and left. It's pretty weird, I've been seeing her really often. I didn't even know that the two of them were friends so why would she visit her so often?

I shake my head and release those thoughts before sliding into the seat. I took Christina's hand in mine and gently squeezed as if reassuring her that I was there. 

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